Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Il. Fait. Froid.

Hello Americans! For those of you who are not attempting to speak fleuent French, this means, it is cold. Which, let me tell ya, it is! It actually probably isn't that cold, but when you come from the 100 degrees Kansas heat, to Switzerland where it suddenly drops to a high of 18 degrees Celsuis (64 degrees Fahrenheit), it is exteme cold. Lol. I can only imagine what the winter is going to be like if I'm cold already. So. Yesterday I went to language camp, came home, had dinner with my host sister, Magali, and after, she taught me how to feed the kitten. Which is actually kinda hard. At dinner, it was quite funny because I'm trying to learn French and she's trying to learn English, so we made a deal where I speak to her in French, and she speaks to me in English, and we correct each other when the other is wrong. So far, so good:) the French-English dictionary is our new friend now too:) Sorry congugation book. Don't worry though, you're still near the top of my list:) Anyway. Back on track. . . Oh. Yeah. The cold. So this morning I got up at 5:50 (I was a walking zombie) so i would have time to feed the kitten, eat breakfast, take a shower, get ready, and be out the door by seven. So as I'm leaving the house, I realize how cold it is. So I ran back in and grabbed my light coat and my gloves. Thinking it would be warm enough. The gloves were good, but I needed a warmer coat and some ear muffs. Lol. On August 31st! This is insanity people! So, after my 17 minute walk to the train station, I got on and rode about 3 mintues to Puidoux-Chexbres. Then I got off, and waited 20 minutes for my train to Palezuix. While I'm shivering in the cold, this guy walks up right next to me wearing Hawaiian shorts that looked like swimming trunks and a lime green t-shirt. And he didn't have goosebumps or anything! I really wanted a picture with him because I think it would of been funny how I'm bundled up (Oh, did I say I also had on a scarf!) and he looks ready to hit the beach. But he probably been like why are you wanting a picture? Weirdo. So I decided against it. Lol. So, eventually the train came, and I rode about 10 minutes to Palezuix. Once I got off, Zion and I meet up. She is from Vermont. And we waited 20 minutes. Then the train came, and 33 mintues later, we were in Fribourg. Sounds like a fun thing to do every morning right?! So. Once in Fribourg, we had like 20 minutes before class, so we hit up a little store and since we had been craving jelly candy (all i've had is chocolate. all the time), I got some:) I was really excited! Chocolate is gettign old. Then we ventured to class. After class, we went to a falafel place and we got some falafels. But we had to wait forever to get them. So once we did, zion and I had to leave Becky alone so we could catch our train back to Palezuix. So we are walking into the station and have 2 minutes before the train is suppossed to arrive. So we get up to the voie and sorry, platform, and hey I just did French unconciously! Improvement! Okay. So we get up there and the train is there. And there are still people getting off at the other doors, but the one closest had just shut. So we go to hit the button to open it and the conductor is standing right on the inside, and he simply shrugs his shoulders and doesnt open the door. For like 30 seconds. Plenty of time to get on. So after 30 seconds, the train takes off. I looked at the clock on the platform, and it still said 1:26, the time it was suppossed to arrive. So we didn't get on. Then it was crazy because all of the students phones here are tempermental, including mine, and so Zion, who had to be back at a certain time, couldn't get ahold of anyone and it was crazy. So, in the end, we ended up waiting an hour for the next train. Then, while we're on the train and trying to laugh so we don't break down since we are emotionally unstable, the train stops. now, the train from Frioboug to Palezuix has one stop befefore our stop. And when it stopped, it was in some podunk little place. So we are all confused and after a few minutes, a guy comes on the speaker saying something. We couldn't understand. Then, a little after that, the train leaves. It was a little bit bumpy after that, so we were a little afraid as the train was swaying a bit. Eventually, i made it back home. Quite an experience. Tommorrow. Can you guess what I'm doing? . . . . . . . . . Language school! lol. Then Thurday, I'm staying the night in Fribourg. Then the weekend will be busy as I'm heading to Zurich to sing in Swiss-German. I'll explain later. Here are some pictures from the past few days. . . . .

Here is Zion (from Vermont) and I while waiting at the train station. She is taller than me and I just love it! She also has the most amazing hair. I'm so jealous.

These are the three American musketters. Since none of us have any Swiss friends yet since we haven't started school, we ban together! This was Monday, when all I had was a sweater and a fleece! I was so cold! And Zion thought it was nice out, so she wore a light shirt and shorts only to leave her house and realize how cold it was and not have time to change!

This was toady. Do I look cold? Because I was! I am posing with my gummies! Yay for gummies!

This is at the falafel place we ate at. Becky and Zion, with me creeping in on the picture:)

And at last, me with my falafel:) It was totally worth the ridiculous wait!

The end:)


  1. so it sounds like you are doing great.i can't believe you have had enough chocolate yum!!!!we love the pictures.hows kitty? i finnaly figured this out i think.

  2. I'm glad you figured it out! The kitty is good, but noisy, like a real baby kinda. lol. All we have everywhere I go is chocolate, I was dying for gummies! And now I'm all good since I got some:) I hope all is well! I gotta go walk through the cold:( And make it to my train. Talk to you later! Love you!
