Thursday, August 26, 2010

We might as well walk around with a post-it note that says we're American!

Hey everyone!!!!!!

I hope everyone is doing well! Even with the tragic event that happened earlier in the week. I can't believe that happened. I knew Andrew and he was so so kind and sweet to everyone, no matter who you were. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he was only 16. It just shows you how short life is and how you really do have to live each day like it's your last. It makes me grateful that I took this amaying opportunity to come and live here. Sorry if there are random weird symbols and spellings in this post. I am using a different computer and the keyboard is different and there are strange symbols everywhere! Lol. Im trying my best. So. This week I've been living in Fribourg,which is north of my town. It is half French, half German speaking. The language camp has been plugging along. It is kind of like a review, but I think I'm learning new things:) The camp is from 9 until 12:40, so after all us kids go around town. There are actually only ten of us in the whole French part compared to the 70 in the German part. And we are all American girls except for Andrew from Vermont, and Bjorn from Sweden. So, we all have a pretty good time together! I haven't taken that many pictures because I have been busy having a good time! But I managed to snap a few. . . . .

This book = my new best friend. Sorry Ab. Lol. I love it so much! Becky and I saw this one girl have one and decided we must to and 8 Francs later, we did! It is a book that conjugates all the French verbs. In the present, future, and past tense along with the infinitaves and a lot of other jayy. It's amaying and I love it!

This is a horrible picture of me, but i guess I'll post it. Lol. This is me and Becky. She is from Oaklahoma and we have been chilling and she is going to hopefully come visit my house and town this weekend with me:) I have also taken a liking to Zion, from Vermont, although she is the one who took the picture, so I don't have one of her. The three of us are all trying to figure out this crazy town and language!

This is something I found to be hilarious, so I took a picture. Lol. The lady I am staying (Tiziana) with here in Fribourg does tai-chi. She has also hosted exchange students before. So last night, she had lady and her daughter over for some tai-chi. During that time, Jess, who is an exchange student from Australlia and has been here since January (she showed me around on Monday when I got here and is really fun:), was over talking to me while waiting to speak to Tiziana, her counselor. So we were just chilling and talking, and the one girl comes upstairs looking for the cat. Now, normally the cat is like all over me, but he wasn't near, so I told her and she went looking for him. Like 5 mintues later, she comes up asking for a box. I guess the cat had a live mouse and was in the bathroom on the middle floor. It was so funny! You had to be there. So we find a box, all while Chinese music is softly playing in the background, and she goes and captures the mouse. It was sooooo gross! then we had to figure out how to get it down the stairs, so we grab a newspaper, stick it under, and correction, they grabbed the paper, I had nothing to do with that nasty thing, and they carried it outside and let it go. I was cracking up it was just so funny. It may not sound that way, but it was. I feel like I just told one of my famous stories that people look at me like is it over!? Lol. Yes. Now it is. Moving on....
This was my new kitty cat this week:) I was quite excited! I can't pronounce his name, so I call him kitty. Lol. He may not look that happy in this picture, but whenever I sit somewhere, he is like BAM on my lap. And he follows me around. It's great. Just like my Cocoabear back in Kansas:) So. Yes. That has been my week sô far. Tommorrow, I head back to Chexbres on the train. Talk to you soon!
P.S. I suppose I will comment on the title. Lol. So, in becky, Zion, and I's attempt to blend in with the Swiss, we decided we would talk in just French when we went into this cafe to get some lunch. So we say ''Je voudrais une bagette avec jambon et fromage. Et a Fanta, si' vous plait''. But no. The lady starts talking to us in English really slowly, like we are stupid or something. Everywhere we go, no matter how hard we try, people just like know we are Americans. It kinda sucks. So we decided to walk around from now on announcing it. Lol. Jk. We aren't going to do that, but I will be blending in soon enough! just you wait Switerland! :)


  1. Well first off, i have to say, HOLY COW!! I have definately missed a lot going on, and a lot to read through!! It has been a horrible rough last couple of weeks, first andrew, then at the dance someone started a rumor that someone had a gun, so that ended badly, and then Kade, and uggg. It's been a rough one. Anyways, the first home football game went well :) the stands were overflowing, to say the least, and we had two tv stations there! We won like 46 to 7 or something like that, even in this new league. So that was the first good thing in a while. OH!!! and i saw you in the picture of that sailor guy!!! mhmmm!! good choice!! lol in fact, i met a guy from Blue Valley West, and tomorrow we are going on a date!! Im super excited!! He is sooooo cool! and he is like 6' 4" or something crazy like that lol. But i really like him, and if we survive together until you get back, you'll have to meet him! I don't have any pictures yet, but when i get some I'll definitely send some!! School has been crazy, lots of hw and not enough time to do it. Since Andrew's passing, Ryan and i made a deal with eachother that we are going to give hugs to eachother every day after school. Which is cool i guess. IDK if ive told you yet, but he is dating matti diener :/ but i don't think it will last long. She has too many guy friends and he is too jealous. Oh well i suppose. Wait till he hears i am dating this other guy, maybe he will freak like he did with Josh?? lol idk!! Anyways, -sigh- i need some sleep. Got work and a date tomorrow, wish me luck! I'm glad you are doing great, but cold!! :) Stay warm!

    Love ya tons and miss you,

  2. lol id like to meat Andrew, he looks funny!
