Sunday, August 29, 2010

So. This is gonna be a long one. . . . .

Well. I hope you all like pictures, beacuse there are beaucoup in this post! In the past two days, I've done so much, and I took so many pictures, and I just had to include most of them:) They were all my favorite. Lol. So. Here we go. We'll start from Friday. Friday, after language camp concluded for the week, I hopped on a train back to Chexbres. Oh. But first Becky and I went out to lunch. ...Ah. The joys of pubic transportation. This is me on one of the many trains I have rode on since being here. Becky and I at a "tea room". Everywhere they have them. If you looked in the phone book, there would probably be a good couple hundred or so. We had some soup, which was water and spices, lol, and a crouque monsieur (grilled cheese). The waitress thought we spoke German, so it was a little iffy at first, but we got it all figured out:)
Once I got back to Chexbres and walked home from the train station, I learned that we had gotten a new little, 2 week old kitten! He is SOOOO cute! And he is soo tiny. Pause for the Awwwwww's!
Since he's so little, we have to feed him through a teeny-tiny bottle:) So cute. And you can't really tell, but she's wearing a USA shirt:)
When I got home, there was also a letter from my best friend Abby (i loved it Ab! It was so heartfelt! I'm mailing yours tomorrow:) and a package from mom. In it, one of my good friends, Tasha, made me a calender with the pictues from when I left. It was so cute and i loved it! Thanks Tasha!!!
I felt the need to include this. So. If you weren't aware. Becca, my sister, is in LOVE with Justin Bieber. And a few weeks before I left, I took her to his concert. Well, I'm not a big fan and I quite despised him. That is until I came here and have been deprived of American music. Something must of like taken over my brain, because I got on my computer, went to YouTube, and listened to like 5 of his songs in a row. And now I kinda like him. It's horrible. I need an intervention.
So. Saturday now. Saturday for lunch, we went to a BBQ. But definelty not like our Kansas ones. It was at a fancy resturaunt. We were drinking wine. At our BBQ. We had a appetizer of eggplant and other veggies, then they came around with a tray of chicken and sausage, and fries. And for dessert, fruit. It was good, but not the BBQ's I'm used to. I miss Zarda. Its making my mouth water just thinking about it:( So after that, we headed to the train station in my town, because Becky was coming to stay the night. So we picked her up, and then we decided to go to Lausanne. So we hopped on the next train and ventured to Lausanne. She was excited:)
When we got out of the train station, we found this statue and I just had to have a picture:)
Then we wandered by this church, and as we walked by, the doors opened, like God was opening them, so we went in. It was pretty intense. Once we got in them, they shut. So we them proceeded to take a picture.
This is a picture of Lausanne from this hill we were on. It's a pretty big city here.
Then we wandered through the old city, and we found this great big church!
We went inside this one too:) But the God didn't open the door this time:( Reading the sign that was in the back, it says construction on the church started back in the 1100's!
This was a HUGE organ. Thought I would snap a picture. . . .
Then we got on a bus and headed to the Lake. We both said that we were craving a pizza, so we got a Hawiian pizza. It was SOOOO GOOD! I loved every bite. Lol.
Then we decided we were going to ger pastries. Now. It's August. Normally its super hot right now in Kansas. We were wearing sweaters, and we were SOOO cold! And we couldn't find any open patersirries (I totally spelled that wrong:O), but we eventually did and it was so worth all the walking!
Then we headed back to the Lake, and there was an Irish festival going on. But they were wearing Scottish kilts, and singing in French. It was quite amusing to just watch.
Now, I normally don't eat at McDonald's. Gross. But after being in the cold for sooo long, our hands were frozen and we needed something warm. Pronto. So we stopped at a McDonald's and got a really good hot chocolate. They gave you like warm milk, and then you added in the mix. And you know you're in Switerland when they give you a piece of chocolate at Mcdonald's for free:) After this, we headed back to Chexbres, and stayed up till like 2. Then we hit the hay.
Sunday. We got up at 8 and decided to take the boats on Lake Leman (Geneva). So we got ready and headed back to Lausanne via trains to get on the ferry. Once on, we could see what the Swiss side looked like! This is Switerland from the boat:)
Then this guy offered to take our picture, so we did. In front of the Swiss flag:) It was so beautiful!
Here is me, with France in the background.
Becky is so funny. She has this giant camera and is always snapping pictures.
This would be a great picture if it weren't so windy! This was the great sailer man we met and talked to. We got on the boat right when it was leaving, not even knowing where it was going. Lol. Then we had to get our tickets. So we are the last ones in line, and we get up there and he asks what type of ticket and to where, and I was like, where exactly is this going? So, we stuck up a conversation. So after purchasing my ticket, he came out of his booth and talked to us. After 5 or so minutes, we said bye and headed out back. Well, twenty minutes into the ride, he comes back and is like, I have an extra ticket, did you forget yours. so I'm trying to act all cool and turns out, it was mine. So we started talking to him again, and then I got a picture. Lol. So touristy. Becky even gave him her card:) I wouls of, but I left them at home. It was quite fun. These are the famous Lauvaux vineyards! You can see how some of them have like a green or blue net over them. That's so the birds will see them and not dive down to peck the grapes. That's you cool fact of the day:) We rode the boat for about an hour to Montreux. Once there, we went to a grocery store and got some bread, turkey, cheese, tea, and chocolate. Then we had an hour till the next boat so we decided to go to the Chateau de Chillon. We took the bus, since it was only a 10 minute ride. Since they gave us an English brochure on the castle, I'll write some if it. . . "the small rocky island on which the castle is built acted both as a natural protection and a strategic location to control movement between the north and south of Europe. The castle's history was marked by three important periods:
The Savoy era (12th century to 1536)
the Bernese era (1539 to 1798)
The Vaudois era (1798 until today)
The oldest written mention of the castle dates from 1150 and establishes that the Savoy family already controlled the fortess and hence the path along the shore. The Swiss, more specifically the Bernese, conqureded Vaud (which is the canton I live in) region and occupied Chillon in 1536. For more than 260 years, the castle was used as a fortess, arsenal, and prison. The Bernese left Chillon at the time of the Vaud revolution in 1798. The state of Vaud became it's owner when the canton was created in 1803. Restoration of the monument began at the end of the 19th century, and continues today".
This was this cool little passage way that went from the hallway to the Bernese bedrooms, which were used in the Middle Ages. The chamber (secret hallway) was probably occupied by servants and staff.
This was the Bernese bedroom.
We climbed up ALL these tiny, little, steep steps and when we got to the top, we realized we were at the top of the castle. It was so pretty!
After the castle, we headed back to the bus station. The bus came, but when we stopped at one of the stops, some Americans (we guesses New York) got on and had to ask a million questions. Then they didnt have money for the ticket so the driver had to get off and help them. We had just the exact amount of time to get back to the boat, so we were a little mad. But we ended up making back just in time, right before the boat took off:) Then we ate our little picnic lunch on our way back to Lausanne. All in all, it was a really fun weekend:) Tommorrow, I head back to Fribourg for language school, but I'll be commuting back and forth everyday instead of staying in Fribourg. Hope all is well and talk to you soon!


  1. It's easy to tell by your pictures and captions that you are having a ball in Switzerland. Fribourg is a lovely town. When you get the chance please visit the Interlaken area where you can visit Beatenberg and the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

    I look forward to keeping up with your travelogue.

  2. Please email me the link where I can keep up with your blog. My email address is:

    Thank you so much.
