Sunday, August 22, 2010

A good day gone bad. Then kinda good again.

Hello everyone:) What is today? Sunday night? Yeah. sunday night. I keep losing track of what day it is! I haven't blogged since Thursday so I will start from then. Friday I went to my school. I got up, made pancakes, said goodbye to Laetitia, and off to the train station i went. When i got to the school. they didn't have my name down for any of the groups, so there was a little confusion, but it all ended good. My school is HUGE. It like a college campus. With a bunch of different buildings, 4 levels in each one, it's crazy. And there are these ramdom, really comfy chairs everywhere you can just sit in, and there are a million places to buy lunch and eat it. You can also heat your lunch up in one of the many microwaves located around the buildings:) Haha. I love it. And the school has wireless internet so when i met with the director, he said i can bring my laptop to school and use the internet while I'm skipping german class:) I seriously get to skip german class! The director told me i can just chill during that hour each day:) I'm excited. Lol. So, after the grand two hour tour, the time came for lunch. And all the incoming students (our equivelant to a freshman) were there, so I had to akwardly ask to sit with a group. No one wants to have to do that. But I scoped out the room and found who I thought would be cool people, and thank God they said i could sit there:) So I did and they were really nice:) So i made new friends. Yay! Lol. Okay. Moving on to Saturday. So. yesterday we decided we would go to the mountains. So we loaded up the car, Lema (our dog) and all and headed out. We ended up about an hour away. When we got there, we parked and started the trek up. Let me tell you, man, was my heary pupming five minutes into that hike. Lol. It was intense. But eventually I caught on and my heart chilled out a bit. We were almost to the lake that was up probably about half way when we stopped for lunch. We ate and than began the home stretch! Here is where the day went bad. Our dog, Lema, loves the mountains and being outside. We have taken her with us before since I've been here and she is such a good dog. She wandered up this hill, right off the path, and was running back down to meet us when she didn't see a rock and tumbled over it. It was so horrible. She couldn't move her back two legs. I hate seeing animals in pain. So my host dad ran down the mountain to get the car, since there was just enough space to fit the car up the path. He got it up there in record time and we headed down and back home so we could get her to the vet. When we got the vet, he did and x-ray and we found out that her spine had broke and we would have to put her to sleep. She was seven and they had gotten her when she was a puppy. It was so sad, and then it made me think of the boys, Cocoa, Mitten, and Marshmellow back home and how I miss my cats:( Yes, I'm crazy for my cats. Lol. So it was pretty depressing. After everything was done there, we had plans to have dinner at our neighbors house, and we decided to still go. It was a wonderful meal with a really nice family:) So, the day got better then. Today, I headed to Olten for my Swiss Rotary orientation. It was a lot of fun and i met a bunch of people! The orientation was different than the ones in the States, but it was a good different:) I even attempted to sing a song in French. It was quite interesting. Lol. Most of the exchange kids ( there are 82 total this year) here in Switzerland are in the German part, and there are probably only ten in the French. part. So they had us ten get up on the stage, they gave us lyrics, started the music, and wanted us to sing along. Like i said, interesting. But i did start my pin collection on my blazer:) And i got a bunch of email addresses! One of the girls i met and i are even going to see a movie tommorow with her host sisters:) Tommorrow, I go to Fribourg to start the language camp. I'll be staying with the teacher for this first week, and then commute back and forth the second. I'm excited! Here are some pictures from the moutains. . .

Oh. This one is actually a picture of Swiss cows!

Here is us right before we headed to the moutains:)

In the background, you can see the hike we were embarking on. It doesn't look that big in the picture, but it was!
Magali (sister, Marielle (mom), and Lema starting the trek. The first part was paved till we hit the acutal trail. Then it was a bit rocky. Lol.

This was like fifty minutes in i think. You can see where we started, down by that tree line.

This is right before the incident happened. It was so pretty up there!
This is a picture of Lema I snapped earlier that morning. She was so excited to go! Her tail was a waggin'!
And then this is my blazer:) As you can see I added some pins! For those of you who aren't familiar with Rotary, each exchange student gets a blazer. Each student also brings pins that represent something of their home country that you trade with other exchange students througout the year. So I offically beagn my trading:) i got some from Canada, Taiwan, Alaska, Brazil, Ecuador, and i can't remember where else:) But it was a lot of fun!


  1. Laura,
    Sounds like you are having a great time. I'm so sorry to hear about your family's dog. How sad. The area you are in is beautiful. We have enjoyed keeping up with your activities. Good luck with language school. Later, Darcy

  2. Hi Darcy!

    How are the girls?! It is soooo beautiful. I can't get over it. lol. I love it! The language school is plugging along. . . . I will post later once I take some pictures of what I've been doing this week with the othere students:) Hope all is well! Tell everyone i said hi!

