Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Swiss/American Dinner/Celebration/Competition

So yesterday was my new dad, Jean-Michael's, birthday. We all got up around 11 and had breakfast. After breakfast, we decided we would do something fun for dinner since the suprise trip to the mountains got rained out both on Sunday and yesterday. So we decided on doing a competition. Magali would prepare the cocktail (don't worry, no alcohol) and the food to go with it. Laetitia would prepare the soup, mom (Marielle) and I would prepare the main dish, and dad would prepare the dessert. Then we would be judged according to taste, presentation, and originallity. So around 21, we headed to Vevey, to hit up the market for the foods needed for dinner. When we got back, the cooking began:)

Magali was running around, since she had the most food to make. Here, she was making the amazing smoothie for the cocktail hour:)
The night before at dinner, we were talking about potatoes and they asked me how I liked them cooked. For those of you who don't know, potatoes are my favorite food and I will eat them any way you make them:) So I was listing off ways to make potatoes, and one was hash browns. They were intrigued by this and had never heard of them, so when we wanted to do a competition, they all asked me if I could make hash browns. Lol. So. I did. But i cut them myself, so they weren't as thin as I would of liked. Here is the before cooking them picture. . .
Here is my mom, Marielle, working on the other half of the main dish. It was like a chicken with some other meat, wrapped like a taco. I'm not sure how to describe it, lol, but it was good!
These are the other part of Magali's cocktail food. There was one more that's not in the picture. They were all really good! Well. Except the fig. I wasn't too fond of that one. Niether was Magali. The judge with the highest vote was Jean-Michael, because, well it was his birthday. While he was judging the presentation of her food, the tone of the tomatoes he felt was too strong and so she was docked points. Lol. He loves to joke around.
Here was the table that Laetitia and I set. I think it looks pretty snazzy if I do say so myself:) If you look at the windows, you can see how gross and dreary it was outside.
Here was us at the cocktail hour:) After this, we moved into the dining room.
I didn't get a picture of the soup but it was REALLY GOOD! Then we had the hash browns and I just have to say that there was leftovers of everything, BUT the hash browns. Lol. They loved them. I should of made more.
Then this is the after eating the main course. No leftovers. We were all groaning at this point because it was so much food. But we still had dessert!

So Jean-Michael headed into the kitchen to prepare the dessert. He was upset with the finished product because I guess it was suppossed to be a mousse, but it wasn't:(

Then he got to blow out his birthday candles. After that, the final scores came in....Magali got an overall of 9 out of 10. Laetitia got an overall of 8 out of 10. The main dish got an overall of 9, but the hash browns got a 10! And the dessert got a 1. Lol. It was quite the night:)


  1. you didn't comment back to me!! :( haha but that sounded like a lot of fun! Way to represent American food!

  2. Your family sounds awesome! Good job with the hashbrowns and winning the contest....you know we Americans don't like to lose!

  3. Haha. It was quite the joyous moment for me when the scores were announced. Of course, I was pretty confident I was going to pull through, but you never know. Lol. Jk. I bet you're having a ball with all those physicals! i hear you are going to a cheifs game:( I want some American football! Lol. Yup. Everything here is good:) I love you and miss you!

  4. Heyy!!! It has taken me a while to write back, I have been super busy with my job and homework!! I got a total of 3 and a half hours of sleep last night because i was finishing up my long procrastonated AP english project. lol. well anyways, it looks like you are having a blast!! It sounds like you have been going everywheres!! Lucky! It does look gorgeous! and on that picture you posted of one of the little farm houses or whatever it was, it looked like the land went on forever!! I don't exactly know, but the sky looked really cool, like the land was totally flat and the sky just kinda joined it!! Haha i dont know how to explain it. Anyways, the back to school dance is next friday, and im super excited!!! I love school dances!! :)) haha no one has asked me yet, but that is perfectly fine because i like dancing with a lot of different people!! :D I would be scared to take the bus too, especially for two hours. But hey, at least you can meet a lot of new people!! :) And that veggie shop just has an open door for people to come in and get what they want??? WOW!! What trust!! I think you would truely have to be like thousands of miles away from the americas for that to happen. (haha, you are!) Well, I am curious to see how your class goes, and how "intense" it really is!! You can take it like a beast ;)) haha. Well, talk to you soon! Love ya!!
