Thursday, August 19, 2010

The past two days.....

Well. The past two days haven't been all that exciting. We have been getting Laetitia, my older host sister, all packed and ready to leave for Canada tommorrow. On Tuesday, she had a bunch of her friends over for a little going away party. I think they were worse than American teenage girls. Lol. They were just laughing and running all over the house. It was crazy. Lol. Then, yesterday, I first went to Vevey to get my train ticket for the languge school next week. I'll be going to Fribourg, which is a total of about a two hour trip each way for the next two weeks for an "intensive language course". Sounds scary. Lol.. But I'm excited for it:) The first week I will stay in Friboug with a family, and the second week I will communte back and forth each day. At the train station, i had to get a photo taken for the card that they give you, like your pass. So we went to this photo booth in the station and it was the most demanding booth ever. Your face has to be presise in the oval on the screen. Your eyes must be lined up on the line. No smiling and your face has to be symetric. Now. My face was too big to fit in the little oval, so it kept denying the picture. Lol. It was quite ridiculous! Then we headed back home, I ate a quick lunch, and the my counselor came and picked me up. We went to the bank and then he was going to take me back home but asked if I wanted to go and make some visits with him. Of course I went with him, since the other would be sitting at home by myself, since everyone else was gone. We first went to his house (Beautiful!) and I met his wife and his nephew and his nephews friends. Then we went to Vevey and he showed me how to take the train, since on Friday I have to take the train by myself to school for an orientaion. I'm kinda dreading going. Then we went and he showed me the school and the train station there and then he quickly visited one of his patients (he is an eye doctor). Then we headed to the country and he showed me a bunch of different places. Then we headed home, my family came home, we had dinner, and off to bed I went. Today, I think we are just chilling out since Laetitia is packing the rest of her things. Here are some pictures from the last few days...

This is the sign that everytown in the Lavaux region has as you enter the town. I tried to get a picture as we were driving into town. You can kinda see Chexbres!

This is from yesterday when we stopped on the way to the bank to snap a few photos. I just still can't get over how beautiful everything is!
This is a picture I think of the town Cully, where the Rotary club meets and my bank is. But I'm not for sure. . . .

This is the little, itty-bitty country town we visited yesterday. My counselor had to visit one of his patients for a few minutes, so I walked around the town. It took me a total of ten minutes to walk up and down each street in the town. Super small.

This was the church in the town. The sign said it was built in the 1600's.
I went up and tried to door to the church, and it was open:) So I ventured inside. It was so cute!
This house was so pretty I thought, so I snapped a picture. I just love the houses here!
This was one of the few streets the town had.
This was the little veggie shop we went to on Tuesday. It was in the middle of nowhere. And it was self-service! You went in, picked out what you wanted, weighed it on the scale and added up the prices, took and envelope and wrote down what to took and then put your money inside. I found it quite interesting. My host mom said that they don't have these places in Belgium or France because people there can't be trusted. Here, people trust one another to be honest.
This was inside the store. There were a ton of veggies to chose from!
Here is the scale where you weigh what you have and then pay.
Marielle has been making this weird fruit that I didn't know what it was. She told me that when we went to the store, she would show me it. I have never seen these I think. They are really good though! She was laughing because I keep taking pictures of everything, so when she held it up to show me, she was like you can take a picture and I was like "Okay!", so she thought it was funny that I really did want a picture.
This was another strange veggie I found. I thought it looked kind of like a musical instrument. I can't remember the name. I think it started with a p........ Well. That's all for now!

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