Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More goodbyes. . . .

Well. It is finally here. Tommorrow at 11:44am, I will officially be leaving for Switzerland. It feels like I've been waiting forever for this to come but now that it's here, it feels like just another ordinary week. On Sunday, my mom (and dad) threw another party. But this one was for everyone that wasn't invivted for the limo ride:) We had lots of my teachers come, friends from church, families that I babysit for, and neighbors. Here are just a few. . .
Me with Payton and Sydeny, the girls that I have babysat the past two summers. They kept me on my toes this summer:)
Aunt Pam and I. This isn't the greatest picture beacuse our eyes were all puffy, but it'll do. She goes to our church and works at my high school. She is so amazing and I'm going to miss her so much!
Aaron and I. He goes to my church and we just got back from spending a week together in New Orleans for a youth gathering. We have a love/hate relationship:)
My French teacher Mme. Platt and I. She is the one who inspired me to go to a French speaking country. She suprised me when she walked through the door. She is defintely one of my favorite teachers.
Two more kids I babysit, Jadon and Sienna. They have grown up so fast since I started watching them almost two years ago. I probably won't even recognize them when I get back they'll be so big!

Lastly, Bob and I. He goes to my church and traveled to Africa with us last year. He is known around here as Bob the Builder:) He always knows how to make someone laugh:)

I still can't believe I leave in the morning. It's been such an awesome adventure so far and it's just beginning. I can't wait to find out what the next year has in store!

1 comment:

  1. You are going to have an awesome time!!! I leave on the 21st :D Make sure you keep the pictures coming.
