Saturday, August 14, 2010


So. This is the first offical blog post from Switzerland! Everything here is so beautiful! I love it. In this past three days though, I have given so many kisses it cracks me up. Everytime you meet someone you kiss them. Then, when they leave, you kiss them. But sometimes, you kiss them during your time together too. You never know when a kiss awaits:) I'm still getting used to the kissing. I have also yet to find some ice. I am lead to believe that ice doesn't exist here. So I'm now used to muke warm things:) The food here is so good! I have been trying new things, and absolutley love everything I eat. American food is no match for the Swiss food I've been having. Here are some pictures from my first few days. . .

This was the first Swiss sign I saw, so I had to get a picture. It's the post office.
On Friday, we went to Vevey, which is a big town about 20 minutes away by car. We went shopping, had a baguette for lunch, and just took in all the sights. Here are my two host sisters, Laetitia (18) and Magali (16). Laetitia is leaving on Friday for Canada to be an exchange student as well.

In my room, I have a magnetic board where I hung up some photos. I guess my host mom noticed that I had used all the magnets, so when we were shopping, she got me my first Swiss souviner, a magnet for more pictures:)
My house is right on Lake Geneva! It is so awesome. This is the balcony off the bottom level. You can see the lake, and in the background is France and the French Alps.
This is my new doggie, Lema. She is now a KU fan:) This is part of my room, with my bed and armoir.
This is the dining room, where we eat dinner every night and look out over the lake and over at France. There are windows around the whole room, and the doors open up completly. It is gorgeous.
This is one of the many windows in my room. It is right by my desk. Now....
Here is the view from that window. I have defintetly gotten used to this:)
And lastly, here is the front of my house. It is three stories, but it is built in the hillside, so it's really short in the front. That's all for now:)


  1. Laura!!! It looks like you are having sooooo much fun!!! I really wish I could have come with you, haha, that looks amazing!! What kind of foods have you been trying?? Im curious!! And, how are all of those kisses?? lol Don't tell Cooper, I bet he will be jealous!! I wonder if anyone over there thinks anything more of the kisses, like I know they give them all the time, but if they meet someone they really like I wonder if they are like "ooh, i get to kiss them!!" Haha :)And that better be the only juicy story you come back and tell Abby!! ;) The views from the windows are gorgeous, I most definately would get used to that quickly!! I find it so amazing that you are able to look over the water and see France! How cool is that! We miss you already, the first day of school was yesterday and after it was over Kristina came out to my truck and said "man, I miss Laura so much already!!" I was like, me too!! I don't really have anyone to sit with at lunch :( It makes me sad. Anyways, I hope you comment back, and I'm writing you a letter right now!! I'll send it soon! Love ya girl, remember us! :)


  2. Hey girl! I am having fun! I have been eating a lot of like fresh foods, like fresh bread, fresh veggies, fresh fruit. It is all so good! love the food here! All the kisses. haha. It cracks me up. I hope I don't meet someone gross and have to kiss them! But if i meet someone cute, I'll be like hello there:) Here is a kiss:) Lol. Ah man. I bet there will be way better stories. . . . I love the view. every mornig I'm like "Ahhh. I live here:)" I am looking at France right now because my desk is right under a window that views France. It is so amazing! We have had lunch together since Freshman year! Both years it was even lunch too! I just realized that. I bet we would have had it this year too! I love letters! You have to give me your address so I can mail you a letter too! I love letters so I'm excited to recieve it:) Love you and I'll try to remember you;) Love, Laura

  3. Hey hey!! Oooh, that food does sound good!! I can't even imagine how much different Swiss food is, even fresh food here doesnt compare to canned stuff :p ick!! And yes, i would love the kisses too!!! lol if you find a cute guy and have to kiss him, id feel so sorry for you lol ;) make sure you get a picture of him!! you dont meet cute guys from Switzerland every day!! Well, you might. lol and yes, i miss you at lunch :( I miss all of the jokes you used to tell and all of my fake laughs in response to your jokes.... oops, did i just say that?? Haha ;p anyways, tomorrow we go back to school, im excited!! when do you start school?? have you gotten to see your school yet?? and do all of the people there speak English, or do you have to try and know what they are saying in French??? just wondering!! I'll send the letter I wrote as soon as I can!! and my address will be on the letter so you can write me back!! I wonder how long it takes letters to get there?? Hmm, I'll write the date on it when I send it and you will have to tell me what day you get it!! That would be interesting! :) alright, well, write back soon!! :) Love ya!

  4. I love when I get messages saying, you have a comment. I get excited:) My camera is spazing out and not wanting to charge, so hopefully I won't meet a cute guy until then so I can get his picture:) Lol. You know my jokes were awesome. You secretly wish you could tell them as amazingly as I. Lol. My school starts on the 23rd, but I won't go for the first two weeks cause I don't want to. Lol. Jk. For the first two weeks, I will be going to an "intense French language course". So i'll start school after that. My family speaks English to me, but most of the time they are speaking French, and its so fast i can't understand. So, that's been interesting. I'm not sure how long it takes, but when i send you a letter after, I'll let you know how long it took:) I gotta go. We are going to the market because I am cooking tonight:) Well. Just hash browns. we are having a cooking competition:) Talk to you later! Love you!

  5. Haha, I love seeing that it shows you have posted a comment too!! It makes me smile as well:) well, i always smile. lol. and yes Laura, I'll admit, your jokes were awesome. It isn't secret anymore. I wish before you left you would have taught me how to tell them so people would stay away from me as much as they did you. LOL JK!!! :) you know I love you lol and yikes, an intense French course??? That sounds scary. I'm sure you will learn a lot and catch on in no time. I bet it is really hard to understand them so fast, I wouldn't want to have to try to figure out what they are saying!! lol And ooooh, hash browns!! how did the competition go? I'm curious!! :) write back! Lots of love,

  6. Hey!! Shannon is over and we are working on AP US History. She just informed me that she heard from Abby that you burn 6 calories a minute making out, and even better, it helps control your allergies!!! Woot!! we're goin to find ourselves some men!! you do the same, with that cute guy you have to kiss!! ;-) get a picture!! That better be documented in your blog as well! go lose some weight!! hehehe ;))

  7. Haha. We do need to find men if we can loose weight with them! Lol. So Shan was over and you two were working on Ap? Sounds like she is already procrastinating on the work. Lol. She has no idea what's in store. Haha. All their words slur together so I have no idea where one word ends and the other starts! Lol. It is quite difficult. The hash browns turned out AMAZING! right now I'm craving pancakes so bad! Like you have no idea. I think I'm gonna make some tommorrow morning and just suffer without the syrup since they don't have any:( Did you go to the back to school dance?? If you did, who'd ya dance with?:)there are no school dances here. So depressing. Last year I finally got into it! Anyway. I have to take a shower and then go to the immigration office so i can get my visa and not be kicked out of the country in a week! Talk to you latet!
