Friday, September 3, 2010


Hey everyone! I feel like I update this too often, but since I have no friends that live near me and I'm a loner still since I haven't started school and made friends, I have plenty of time on my hands. Lol. It's actually quite depressing. I start school on Monday and am NOT looking forward to it. I mean like I want friends since I need like socialization since the conversations I've began having with myself are probably unhealthy, but I just don't want to be the weird new kid that is looking around like an idoiot not understanding anything. I'm sure I'm imagining it to be way worse, but still, not looking forward to it that much. But on the plus side, tonight my host sister invited me to go with her and her friends to see a movie, so I am meeting them after they get out of school:) I'm excited. Noemi, our exchange student from last year, called me this morning on my way to language course and told me that Kade Meyer had died. I couldn't believe it. First, we lose Andrew, who was a bright, outgoing, and great guy, and now Kade, a vibrant, young kid. All within two weeks. I don't understand why this is hapening to our small town and all the family and friends, but there must be some reason and I just have to keep both these families in my prayers.
Since my last post, commenting on the freezing weather, it has warmed up a bit. Yesterday, I left without my gloves and a scarf, and today coming home from Fribourg, I just wore a long sleeve shirt and 3/4 length jacket. Oh man, it's a heat wave! Lol. I've taken a few pictures in the last few days. . . . .

This is my language class. Doesn't Bjorn (the lone man from Sweden) look excited? Lol. I'm not sure if he likes me since I insulted him by asking if they speak Deutsh in Sweden. I sware I saw him holding a dictionary that was Deutsh to Francais, but apparently not. . . they speak Swedish.

This is me with my first Rivella! It's okay. I'd never heard of it either. Apparently, it is made only here in Switzerland and is made from cheese run-off. Which sounds nasty. I was a little cautious to try it when I found that out, but its actually really good! It's like a fruity ginger-ale, not like something I'd had before. Its on my good list:)

Okay. So I see this cow everyday and have been wanting to get a picture with it, but everytime I brought my camera with me, it was gone. But today victory was mine and I got a picture! Yay! the canton (state) of Fribourg is said to always smell like cows since they have them everywhere. People make from other cantons make fun of them for it. Good thing I'm in the Vaud canton. Haha you smelly cow people:)
I fugured I might as well take two pictures with the cow since I finally had my camera, so here is Becky and I with the cow:)

This is Kelly. She is in my language course and is from Colorado. She took my camera and snapped some pictures of herself. I thought I would put one up:) She cracks me up. She has a unique personality:)

During our break today, we chilled in these comfy chairs, and Kelly snapped pictures. But it was super bright so we all look a little strange. We were squinting. But din't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining about the sun that was out today!

A silly pic of us:) Tommorrow, I am leaving at 8am for Zurich, since some of us students decided to go early and explore. Then I'm staying the night there and Monday I start school:) I'll let you know how it goes:)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about school. Yes you will get looked at funny... But I'm sure everyone will love to help you and be your friend :D
