Monday, September 6, 2010

School and Parties. . . .

Well everyone, today I started school. But we'll discuss that one later. I must first tell you about my great weekend! So Saturday, all the exchange students in Switzerland travelled to a town outside of Zurich for an internation Youth Exchange Officer Conference. We didn't have to be there until 4 so, we got to Zurich early and travelled around and visited, which was nice and relaxing. When 4 rolled around, us kids from the French part (there are 10 of us compared to the 80 or 90 in the German) hopped on a train to the town. I would say the name but it is too difficult for me to even attempt to spell. Lol. So, once there, we meanded to the school where we all met up, and we exchanged pins and cards:) So my balzer is beginning to fill up! Quite exciting! Then, we practiced all together the Swiss-German song that we would sing for everyone and it was so hard for everyone to hold back laughter. We were soooo bad at it! After singing it a few times through, they had the 10 Frenchies get up on the stage, and as we are singing it, the German kids are laughing, which made us laugh, and it was a big mess, but we eventually got it to be presentable. Then we had a really good dinner, and marched with our flags through the town and to the hotel. Us Americans started a mini revolution in the streets. Good stuff. So we went in, sang our two songs, dies of heat in our sexy blazers, and then left. It was so fast for so much rehersal! After that, I met up with the other kids who were staying the night in Zurich, and we went to the youth hostel where we would be staying. I had never been in a hostel before and it was pretty cool:) Then, we decided we were going to go out clubbing, but no worries everyone, I only had a hot chocolate. And the lady totally laughed at me when I ordered it too:( But I was cold and it was totally worth the strange looks! We stayed out until 2am, which was a genius idea being that I started school the next day, and then we chatted a bit before all falling asleep. We had to get up at 7am then and scurry to catch our trains home. Once I got home, I slept for 5 1/2 hours. And was still super tired. I went to bed that night then at 11 and when I woke up this morning, I was like "WHY?! WHY MUST I GET UP THIS EARLY AND GO TO SCHOOL?!" But I sucked it up and went. But before I go into that story, here are some pics. . .

Kelly (a Frenchie) had the honor of carrying the flag. She looks super excited about it! Lol. In reality though, she was and she was waving it so hard, it kept flying in people's faces.
Zion, Becky and I marching through town to the conference in our awesome blazers!
Here we are waiting to go inside. From left to right are Shelby (Frenchie) and Andrew (Frenchie) and then two other girls from the U.S. that are in the German part. I can't remember their names. Lol.
This is Jess (an Aussie) and moi when we were going to hit up some clubs and drink coco. Cause we're just that cool.

The train to Zurich was SO crowded and we were sitting on the steps, because it was a double-decker train, but still, no spots.

Okay. So now. . . School. It was okay I guess. At first, the kids were talking to me, but then they stopped and I was totally lost. Especially in Chemistry. Tommorrow I have physics. I can't wait. I had a 2 hour lunch and after lunch 2 hours of sports, but I didn't know to bring clothes, so the teacher told me to go wait in the lunch room and come back after class so he knew I didn't leave. Even though I really wanted to since it was my last class. So during my 4 hours of sitting in the lunch room, I caught up on the last week of my journal, wrote a 10 page letter to my sister, and doodled endlessly. We'll see how tommorrow goes, but I hope it goes a little better than today... Tata for now. . Oh, and did I mention that when I got home from school, I ate a whole chocolate bar that I bought to mail to my family? I then learned the Zion, who also started school, ate her whole body weight in Nutella after school, so I didn't feel that bad. Lol. I'm sure I'll regret it tommorrow. . . . . Oh well. It was good:) Okay. Now I'm done for sure:)


  1. Hey! I'm sorry your first day didn't go so well, but hopefully tomorrow will be better! And im sure likin that kid Andrew, you have some pretty good taste!! lol ;)

    Miss ya,

  2. Andrew? Haha. You'll have to meet him. He confuses me. Lol. I hope today goes better. I'm dreading it sooooo much. How is stuff back in Gardner?? Miss you too!


  3. Well, it sounds like things turned around for you! :) im so glad! Things in Gardner have been rough, but we are surviving. I wish I could update you on current events like you update us! The football game last night got rained out a quarter of the way through, so we had to finish it today, and all of the parents decided they really liked football games on Saturdays lol but anyways, I also met John Hughes today, I think you might have played golf with him, but my brother gave him my number, so now we text a lot. lol but its all good. Oh, and I don't think i'll ever get the chance to meet andrew, but he sounds (and looks) very nice! lol
    love ya!

