Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Umm. What is happening?

Haha. This title is the story of my life. I just had to tell you guys this story that happened yesterday. So, I've been in school for 3 weeks, and you would think I would have the majority of how things work at school figured out. . . . but I don't. It is just so strange, how the day is arranged and they do things. Okay. So my story:)

So, Tuesday mornings, I have physique/imformatique. The first week I was here (I only have these once a week, for 2 periods back to back) I went to physique, with half my class, while the other half went to imformatique. Last week, I went to physique and the other half physique. So, yesterday, I was to go to physique, or so I thought.

So I get to school at 8, drop my stuff off at my locker, and noticed that I didn't see anyone from my class, which was a little odd. So I went straight to class (I still had 15 minutes to chill though) and waited. Now, there are these 2 guys in my class that are always there first, but they were no where to be found. So I contiuned to wait, the bell rings, still no teacher, no classmates, what is happening? So I wait a little longer and decide to go look for them. I found Marion, who was running late, but she is in the other half, imformatique, so she did't know and advised I just sit and wait, work on homework, whatever, and if I got in trouble, she would cover for me.

So I go up a few floors and find a nice place to sit, where other kids that didn't have class were waiting, and after just settling down, an announcement comes over the speakers. The first one I've heard. I can make out something about "for your safety" and "evacuation". All the sudden, all the kids around jump up and head down the stairs outside, so I follow them. We wait in the courtyard, and then teachers come and tell us to walk to the fields. So we do and I follow. Then the fire department shows up and some police and I am so confused.

I make it to the field, and now I don't know what to do. I'm assuming we have to check in with a teacher, and assume it's our principal teacher (which is my Bio teacher, but I only see her once a week) but I can't find her and there are so many other people! After 7 minutes of roaming around, I find some kids in my class, that were in the other half though, so imformatique. We wait, and I turned around to see if I saw anything else, and next thing I know, they are gone, lost in the sea. So I then find one of my sister's friends, who expalins this is a drill. It was mad choas for a drill I can tell you that. Kids were leaving, and smoking, and all sorts of crazy.

At this point, it's been about 25 minutes since the announcent, and they start saying classes over the speakers on the field (since you stay with your class the whole time, you have a name, like my in 1M4). So they announce like 2 and then they say mine. The girl I was standing with tells me that they are announcing to say everyone in that class is present. Sorry, but I don't remember anyone taking me for attendance. They announced like 2 or 3 more (there are like 60 total I believe), and then don't say anything for like 7 minutes. No joke, it's now been 40 minutes, and then they come over the speaker saying it is finished. What?

So I wandered back inside and sat where I had been before, and waited for the next class. About 10 minutes before the next class, people from my half showed up and said we didn't have physique. How I was to know, not sure. When are the random breaks, couldn't tell ya. Lol. I just ask my classmates, and they inform me. Ah. Swiss school.

That's all for now. I can only hope we don't have a real fire, because I can only imagine how that would go. Lol.

P.S. Go Blazers!

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