Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh, happy day, happy day....

I just have to do a quick update here:) Just to say how even though my first day of school pretty much sucked, we have had a complete turn around! Which is swell:) Yesterday, I was suppossed to get out of school at four, but the teacher of my last two classes was absent, and they don't have any substitues here, so you just don'e go to that class. That's getting out of school two hours early! Sweet. So then some kids from my class invited me to hang with them in Vevey, so of course I agreed. And yesterday, during school, they were all talking to me. So when Chemistry was over, we hopped on the train and headed to Vevey and chilled and they were really helpful with my speaking French, and when they were having a conversation, and I wasn't following, they explained what they were talking about to me, which was really nice:) After saying bye (they even gave me a goodbye kiss, which is what friends do here) and I headed to badminton. I wasn't that great at it, and my partner was 9 and super good, but I'm still gonna stick with it and get better:) Maybe go pro. . . . .haha. So today, I got up and was praying that school would be good again, and it was:) The kids were still helping me when I looked lost and making me feel welcome:) So, it am no longer dreading school. Here is a picture of my student ID badge. And it's actually a school picture that isn't horrifing. . . .

I know. Pretty snazzy. . . On my cool Gymnase de Burier lanyard. Don't worry everyone. I have two , so some lucky person gets the other one when I get back. Ohh. Ahh. Please, don't fight for it:)

The front of my badge. Cool.

This is the big building at my school, or the main one. With the logo of my school in sculpture form on the big fountain. I can't quite get Gymnase de Burier out of the sculputre yet though, but I'm working on it. Well, that all for now. Talk to you later!



  1. Hey, I used to go to that school before it was called Gymnase de Burier. It was called CESSEV back then and I guess that's what the sculpture says :)

  2. We didn't have badges back then either (1998-2001)
