Monday, September 20, 2010

Yet another week in Suisse. . .

Hello. How are you? Everything here is all well and dandy. Except for school. Which bores me to death everyday. But before I get to school, let's talk about the exciting stuff in my life here! This past weekend, after arriving home from school (I get out at 2:20 on Fridays compared to the 5:00 on Thursdays) my mom (here) informed me that we would be going to Zurich the next day (Saturday) for Cirque du Soleil! I was soooo excited because I've heard it's like the most amazing show ever! So I got up (happy and not wanting to hurt the alarm clock for once:) on Saturday, ate breakfast, and was informed we were staying the night. So I packed a bag in record time, and we were out the door to Zurich. It was a little over a 2 1/2 hour drive.
After arriving, we unloaded and went straight to the show. Needless to say, it was FABULOUS!!! I had my mouth open like the whole time, in awe that they could do the tricks they were doing. There were a few parts where I was like "OHHH! He's gonna fall! Close my eyes!" but they never missed a beat! So amazing! So, so, so amazing.
After the show, we headed to the hotel. We dropped our bags off, and headed out for dinner. We wandered around for an hour or more, deciding which resturant to eat at (they are all pretty much in this one part of town) and finally decided on an Italian place. I got some lasanga (one of the many foods I have been craving) and it was sooo good! I ate that thing in record time:) haha. Then after, we went to the cutest coffee shop. Ever. We first got some pasteries (which were amazing) and then went up to the little sitting area. There was a lady playing the piano, these super fancy chairs, and candles. The atmoshere was so calm. She was taking requests, and my sister asked for "Over the Rainbow", which made me a little sad, cause it's like Kansas, and home, but after she played other songs, and my family and I sang along. It was so nice! After, around 11, we wandered back to the hotel, but got lost and ended up taking a taxi. Then off to bed!
Sunday, we got up and went out for breakfast. After we wandered around Zurich. We visited the river, an art museum, the old town, some churches, which made us work up an apetite, so we went for dinner (we skipped lunch for whatever reason, so I was ready for dinner!) at this tropical kind of resturaunt. I felt like I was in Tahti in that place! And the food, ahh, reminded me of my favorite, Seafood Portofino without the mushrooms from Olive Garden. It totally floated my boat:) Then, we made it back to the car at 9, and headed home and arrived back at the houe at 11:30. And let me tell you, I slept like a baby:)
Today, I didn't have school (I'm not sure why, but I wasn't complaining:) so Zion, another exchange student, came over and we walked through the vineyards, talking and sneaking grapes, which happened to be really good:)
Here are some pics. . .

Yes, this proves I was there:)
Zurich, with the river and adorable houses.
I just can't get over how cute it is here:)

Our hotel, the Marriot, right on the river. It had such amazing beds:) I fell in love. Haha.

At the coffee shop, with our pastries:) YUM!
Another adorable little street in Zurich

Of course, I had to take a picture of the Swiss flag:)


We brought Moon with us because he has to eat every few hours. We just introduced him to pate this weekend, and he was in love. He was totally in the little bowl, just loving every bite. It was the cutest thing:) He has grown sooo much since we first got him, but is still super small!
And in case you just couldn't get enough, here is another:) Awww.

Now, a little word about school. I have always been the weirdo who loves school. I just love learning, and being with friends, and just plain love school and GEHS. But here, school is different, and although the teachers are nice, I kind of just sit in class staring into space, because they don't give me the handouts and booklets and stuff. And here, the teachers change classrooms too, so there aren't any cool and colorful posters for me to start at, so I look at the floor, or exaime the handiwork of the desk, and so on. The only class where the teacher actually thinks I have a brain is Maths. So I had to take the test on Friday, and oh man, that didn't go so well. You would think numbers and such are universal, but I have a hard time understanding Maths. And when I ask the teacher, he explains it, and then thinks I get it, but I still don't. A little difficult. And I have friends and stuff, like the kids in my class are really nice, always asking me to sit with them at lunch and all, but I always feel like I'm imposing on them and their other friends. It's kinda difficult. But I'm sure they don't feel that way and that school will get better with time. Or I hope it will at least:) Everything else here is great though:) Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura!!

    I am officially sending you a card tomorrow in the mail!! FINALLY!! Sorry it has taken so long!
