Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If I died now, I would die real happy. Real real happy.

Hi everyone!!! 

I hope you are all having a FANTASTIC week and it is beautiful wherever you are! Since it is here!

This past week, I have been in and out of school, since all the other exchange students are in Italy (long story) and I am one of the few that isn't, but so I got permission to miss a few days, since that is what everyone (well, all the other exchange students) were doing, I also got out of school Smile It’s a good life. Haha.

So Tuesday, Zion and I had a little photo shoot! In Chexbres, where I live, in the vineyards! It was just the perfect weather!


This little path is right behind my house. So cute, right?!


Me with the vineyards and Lake Geneva!


Walking through the vineyards.


I have gotten so accustomed to this view, I don’t know how it is going to be next year waking up to the house next door and driving to school alongside the corn fields, and not taking the train through the vineyards along the lake.


Zion. With me creepily in the back. . . . Haha.


Picking flowers.


We layed out in the sun for an hour, I think. It was just so peaceful and perfect.


Too beautiful.



After, we went back and had some lunch, and then I had to head to Zurich to pick up a suitcase Mom sent with a friend, and then I was going to send stuff back, like sweaters, books, etc. . . So I had to bring that big ole’ suitcase!




Wednesday now, and I headed to Morges, which is on Lake Geneva as well. Although it is a city, not a village, and on the other side of Lausanne (the major city where I live)




Fact. In my canton, Vaud, you know you are at a pastor’s house when the house has white and green striped shutters. Imagine if my house in the States had to have white and green striped shutters like that to let the world know my Dad is a pastor and he lives there! Haha.




At the port in Morges.


That is some serious fun yet trouble right there. Smile 



The castle on the lake.




Funny story. So. I see this anchor as we are walking. I immediately think that I should go up and try to move it, since I am so strong. Haha. So. I run up to it while yelling at Zion “HEY! Get my picture! This is going to be so great!” assuming I couldn’t move it. So I run up and grab it and it TOTALLY MOVES! It was like fake metal. And it wasn’t bolted down at all. What a fire hazard. So, my first reaction to it moving was “HEY! I am so strong!” and then reality set in when Zion said “It is probably plastic. Don’t get your hopes up”. Haha. So kind. Smile


Welcome to our life. Where the world is our playground.



After walking out on the port and wanting to jump in one of the boats and take pictures, this super nice sailor man says he can take our picture. But then he says if we want, we can get on the boat and take it! We were SO EXCITED. Dream come true right there. Although, getting on the boat was a little difficult. Since you basically had to jump over the water. Getting of was even harder, and watching Zion try to get off first, in her pencil skirt, was hilarious. I once again, almost peed my pants from laughing so hard.


Our nice sailor man. He thought it was funny that we wanted to take a picture with him. Haha.


Zion and I on the boat Smile 

After our little excursion, Zion and I DISCOVERED THE BESTEST THING EVER! ALDI! It is SOOOO CHEAP! I went crazy!!!! I loved it!!! Remember, we discovered Aldi Wednesday, and since then have been going 2 times a day. Obsessed? Maybe. But listen!!!! They have pickled onions for .99 cents! So naturally, I bought a jar! And cucumbers for .65 cents!! So we bought a ton and since then have just been eating cucumbers! Haha. And strawberries for 1.99!!!!! A whole box!!! People in there probably thought we were crazy. But really. It was like having a revelation.  Haha.

After, we headed back to Zion’s house and we helped her host mom make a cake and enchiladas for her host brother’s 16 birthday. So after chilling out with her host mom for a couple hours (her host family is American. by the way) her host mom invited me to join in on the birthday festivities! And then, Zion, her host sister, and I planned a scavenger hunt for her host brother in order for him to find his presents. Smile I LOVE that kind of dorky stuff! So we wrote down all the clues and then went all around Morges and put them into their place!


Scoping it out!


Zion and her sister, Elly, putting a clue in place.


Zion, Elly, and me on the lake!

After we put in place all the clues, we headed to the train station to meet Drew! But it was super cold (not really, but compared to what it had been at lunch time) so Kim, the mom, brought me a blanket. I think Drew was embarrassed. Being as he was celebrating his 16th birthday with his sister, host sister, some stranger that likes to talk a lot and is wearing a blanket, and has to do a scavenger hunt to find his presents. Haha.8_thumb3_thumb

Me and my blanket. Haha.


Drew finding another clue!!! It was exciting.  For me, at least.

Once he had found the final clue, it lead him to his mom, who had set up the presents and some finger food. At this point, I think he just wanted to ditch us. Haha.


At dinner that night, it was just so weird! Because we spoke English the whole time, and it was just so like a normal American dinner! It was almost freaky.

Thursday, we headed to Solothurn, one of my favorite cities in Switzerland, to visit another exchange student, German Andrew! He was one of the 6 that didn’t go to Italy too. Haha. So we figured we could get together and have fun on our own in Switzerland!


It was supposed to be a nice, warm, sunny day. So, Zion and I wore dresses. And I wore sandals. Well. It was actually rainy. Not that cold just rainy. So, while Zion and I are in short dresses and sandals in the rain, Swiss people are walking around with these heavy coats and boots! And looking at us like we were absolutely crazy! I have never felt such stares like I did Thursday! It was crazy! Anyway. There is  Solothurn!



After we meet Andrew at the train station, we went to, guess, ALDI!, and got some cucumbers (seriously people, if you are hungry and want a snack, go buy a cucumber!) and also some strawberries, and then went and sat on a roof by the river! Fact: Every Swiss city has a river. Every, single one. Even my little village has one.


Solothurn is the capital of the canton Solothurn. Creative names eh? Anyway. That building is the “capital” building so to say Smile With me and Andrew wandering. Typical.



Friday, Zion and I headed to Neuchatel, another one of my favorite cities! Okay. I admit. I love basically every city in Switzerland. With the exception of Geneva. Wow. I am sooooooooooooo in love with Switzerland.

Anyway, back to Neuchatel. So, we got there and after the depressing news that there was no Aldi in Neuchatel ( Sad smile) we headed to trusty ole’ Migros! Of course, bought some cucumbers and then headed to Lake Neuchatel (fact: If there is a lake, there is a guarantee that the lake is named after the town. Neuchatel has Lake Neuchatel. Zurich has Lake Zurich, Luzern has Lake Luzern, Geneva has Lake Geneva. The Swiss like simple. )


Zion and I after buying our cucumbers! So happy!


SPRING!!!! I am SO IN LOVE with the fact that it is SPRING!



On Lake Neuchatel! 14_thumb1_thumb


After we ate our veggies lakeside, we decided to go on a boat! Since, with our magical GA’s, they not only get us on trains and buses, but boats as well! So we hopped on a boat! And then we found a nice spot, out of the way, where we could lay down and tan Smile The other people on the boat were laughing at us because whenever the sailor would blow the horn (which was right above our heads) we would jump up, scared, and then start laughing that it scared us again. I think people thought we were funny, yet strange for not looking out at the scenery as we floated around the lake (granted, this was a big lake).


Zion’s feet. Look at that sunshine!!





It’s a beautiful life. Red heart


I’m on a boat. Smile 


I will miss this soooooooo much next year!

Saturday, I went to my host dad’s house (remember, they are divorced) and we went out in the afternoon on his sailboat on Lake Geneva! It was so HOT! And there was no wind, so we just went out onto the water and had a little picnic lunch Smile Then we just floated out on the water for like an hour, and my sisters and I just chilled out laying on the deck and we actually all fell asleep!

Then, that night, I went with my little sister, Nora, and little bro Ilan to an improvisation match in Lausanne! It was the 2nd one I have been to here, and I really like them! Even though they are in French, I can mostly understand and they are really funny!

Today, Sunday, we came back to my mom’s house, had a yummy lunch outside, (I AM WEARING A SUMMER DRESS!!!! SINCE IT IS SO NICE!!!), and now I am sitting outside, in the vineyards, enjoying the sunshine writing my blog.

It is amazing how fast this time has flown by. It literally seems like yesterday I was just getting off that airplane and going to language camp. And now, I have been here almost 8 months?!?!?!?! I just do not even know where the time went.

I could of never imagined that I would love this country as much as I do.

Have a great week everyone!


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