Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If I keep laughing like this, I ‘m going to pee my pants.


I wish you all could see how BEAUTIFUL it is here RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT! It is gorgeous! It is perfect! Life is perfect!

School this week was okay. Not bad. Not fantastic. But getting up in the morning to go wasn’t as torturous as it used to be Smile 

Wednesday, I had my FIRST EVER SWISS ROTARY MEETING. It was. . . . interesting. Definitely not like the ones in Gardner, I can tell you that. It started at 7pm. When I left at midnight (remember, I had school the next day!), it was still going. That is ridiculous! And oh my. Let’s take it easy on the alcohol there. . . I now can fully understand why all the other exchangies here always told me I was so lucky for having never been to one. And I can now understand when they say that Rotarians here are crazy with their drinking. And they didn’t even know what Rotary Youth Exchange was! They thought it was crazy that I was here WITH ROTARY! They were like, we are sponsoring you? Oh. Okay. When did this program start? I was just like what? Haha. Serious? But it was an experience to say the least. Haha. And I am glad to say it was also my last Rotary meeting.

Let’s see here. So. The week flew by (as they always do Sad smile ) and then Friday came around.

Becky came and met me in Vevey and then we went back to my house for some lunch, since on Friday’s, I always finish at 1. So, back at my house, we ate, then decided to have a sleep-over! So, we did! We got permission and then Becky and I headed to the train station. But, we had a good 45 minutes until the train, so, we took some pictures of Chexbres! 5_thumb3

Chexbres, Switzerland. The place I call home.


Fact: In Switzerland, you can drink out of all the fountains. They are all safe. So, beings as I was thirsty, stopped for a lick.


Haribo candies. Only the best.


Lavaux! The region that I live in! This is a map of the vineyards, the lake, villages, all of it!


Epesses! Where my 3rd host family lives! (It is south from where I live now and literally RIGHT on the lake)10_thumb3

Chexbres! Where I live now. Smile11_thumb1




Francaise. Or French. Whatever you prefer to call it Smile 


Welcome to Lavaux and “Discover the vineyards of Lavaux!” (according to the sign). Smile


This little guy is the mascot for the region. A grape. How appropriate. 20_thumb2

The view from the train station!


So, after taking all these photos, the train came. And somehow, through all the blondeness that consumes me, I managed to miss it. AFTER WAITING AT A TRAIN STATION WITH 1 PLATFORM AND ONLY 1 TRAIN AND AFTER WAITING 40 MINUTES, I MISSED IT!!!!!  How does that even happen?! I was there. I saw the train come in. I tried to open the door. It didn’t open and then just left. It was so strange! It was absolutely absurd. I mean, really. After waiting that long, and I was THERE, how I managed to miss it still makes me laugh. Now. Then, I was just like “Are you kidding me?!?!”. Oh my. I need to really control my blondeness sometimes.

But, alas, we eventually made it to Becky’s house Smile There, we had some dinner, then had a little fashion show, then talked, then watched a movie, during which I fell asleep. I swear, I used to be  able to watch a movie without falling asleep, especially a comedy like this one was! But after 5 minutes, I was out cold. Snoring, apparently, since I STILL HAVE THIS RIDICULOUS COLD AFTER 1 MONTH and I couldn’t breathe through my nose! The reason I still have this cold? Because there is not enough time to sleep. There is too much I want to do and too many things to see, people to talk to, etc., there is simply no time to sleep. Hence, I am still sick.

But it’s all good Smile Would I rather be traveling and seeing this amazing country? Or be home in bed? Easy choice.

The next morning, we got up early, for no reason, since I ended up taking a later bus, but it was all good. After I left her house, I went to Fribourg! Which is right by where she lives.

There, I met up with Jenna, Brandon, French Andrew, and Yod A! We then headed to the Fribourg Film Festival!


We only saw 1 movie, Cadillac Records, but it was definitely a good one! I would totally recommend it Smile 

After, we thought of seeing another one, since it was a film festival, but we ended up going shopping. And oh my, was that fun.

We originally went because Andrew wanted to buy a jacket. But we eventually wandered into this gangster type of store called The New Yorker. Sounds fancy. Trust me, it’s not. So, Jenna and I are wandering around and pick out his outfit that Andrew just has to try on! So he agrees and tries it on! It was SOOOO funny!

So then, I start begging Brandon to try something on (since he is a far from gangster-ish as you can het) and he agrees. But not without a fight. I am a stubborn one though and persevered! Haha. But then he decides that I will have to try on an outfit that he picks out. Great. . . . . . . .

Now, you have to understand, I live in Switzerland. The land where everyone is pale and doesn’t shave their legs. Unfortunately, I hate to admit this, is me. So of course, Brandon picks out shorts. Embarrassing. Haha. So I am like great, yet this sucks, but I so wanted to see him as a gangster, so off we went to the changing room!



And I hate to say this, but I have no after. Sad smile The store told us we weren’t allowed to take any Sad smile But Yod A has a video of us coming out and everyone dying in laughter, so I will post it once he puts it up Smile 

I was a “country girl goes to the big city and goes bad”. It was hilarious! Oh my. I had some like prison boots, shorts, a leopard tank top, jean vest, and then that hat! Oh my. I wish you could of seen it! So funny! And Brandon in his XXXL jeans and huge shirt and jacket, with those shoes and that hat, made my day. HAHA. Still makes me laugh.

Anyway! After leaving our amazing outfits behind, we decided to head to a photo booth! And let me tell you, fitting 5 people (tall people!) in that itty bitty little booth is quite the challenge. But, worry not, we succeeded! Even though the little chair thingy broke off and rolled away. . . (this was the point where I had been laughing for like 7 minutes straight, and my stomach hurt so much, and I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. )

Photo = 5 francs.

Breaking the booth = priceless.

But, we did put the chair back. It’s just the chair isn’t bolted down Smile 


Final product. 4 amazing photos Smile 


Close up on 1!


After, we ventured to a park (as we seem to always do) and found this jazzy little zip liney thing! Of course, we had to play on it! Here is Yod A, getting in the zone.


And Brandon. Always a kid.

After playing on the playground, we headed to the river in Fribourg and just sat and talked about how amazing this year has been, reminiscing and saying what we hope for in the future. And of course, planning a family reunion! A.K.A. all of us meeting up in a few years somewhere in the world! I am going to miss these kiddos so much next year.

We then headed back to the train station and said our good-byes. Until next weekend Smile 

Then I headed to Vevey and spent the night at my dad’s house, where we watched a movie and made the most legit grilled cheese sandwiches ever. I mean, we had meat in there, we had Swiss cheese, we had pickles, we had lettuce, we had mayo, mustard, oh my. It was the best grilled cheese ever. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy.

Sunday, I went with my little sister to the place where she rides horses Smile And then the rest of the family just walked alongside her and her horse Smile It was quite a nice little family promenade!

After, we headed back to my dad’s apartment and had some lunch, then just layed low the rest of the day. After dinner, we headed back to my mom’s house. We chilled out a bit some more, and then off to bed I went!

And here we are. Monday, March 28th. With 76 more days until my parents come.

With 106 more days until the best year of my life comes to a close.

I guess that means I better keep living it up! But I think I am already doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself Smile 

OH!!!! I forgot to include these photos! Zion and I had a little photo shoot in Thun (central Switzerland) the other day! Here are the results Smile 

100_8066_thumb1 The castle in Thun.


Outside the castle, in the garden.


Zion. So beautiful. 100_8073_thumb1


See me?! Only your Swiss knight in shining armor Smile 


Check out those glasses Smile 


It’s spring!
















Red heart Switzerland Red heart

Have a great week everyone!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the one who will decide where to go." –Dr. Seuss

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