Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love this life.

7 months have passed. Only 4 more are left. Where in the world did the time go? In all seriousness. Can someone please tell me where it went, so I can go and find it?! I have no idea where it went. I have no idea how it is possible that it has been 7 months already. I can’t believe that in less than 4 months, I will be back in little ole’ Gardner, Kansas. It amazes me how you can fall in love with something so easily. How you can meet someone and automatically become best friends with them. How you can love a country and all it has to offer as much as I love Switzerland.


These past 7 months have just been so amazing. This blog does it no justice. I don’t think I will ever be able to fully explain to you all all the experiences I have been through, all the hard times, all the times I was laughing until my stomach hurt, all the times I had to run and find my dictionary, all the times I would look out the train windows and sit and marvel at the beauty of Switzerland. All those times when I wish I could stop time and make the moment last forever, when I wished I it would never end. All those times when I realized what life is really about. All those times that I learned a lesson, more then likely the hard way. All those times when I realized that this is where I am supposed to be, right here and now. Wow. I am just in awe at how fantastic these past 7 months have been. Absolutely in awe. Smile And every night, after I say my prayers and look at the moon and say good afternoon to everyone back home, I think to myself, Can it get any better? And each new day proves to me that it can. Lately, it has been so warm here, like spring, my favorite time of the year, and when I wake up in the morning, I can’t wait to get out of bed and do whatever the day holds. It just keeps getting better.

Okay. So, of course, I have lots of photos for you all! First things first, some old ones! These are the last of the old ones! I promise. But I figured you may want to se them Smile 


Way back at the flag parade with Rotary in January! Zion, Kathleen, me, and Becky!


Kathleen and I on the train to the Hot Air Balloon Festival, where we ended up riding in a helicopter! Ah, the anticipation.


When Becky and I went to the museum of St. Bernard's in the Alps! What a cute little puppy Smile 


Mirror shot!


Back in January, I think it was, Becky and I went to Geneva. A.K.A. (in my opinion) the wasteland. Welcome to Geneva. Wow. What a great dirt thingy you have here! Smile


Montreux! We got a little rowdy. . .


Me, Brandon, Jenna, and Becky going all Indian, complete with a pow-wow going down!


Zion and I from our first time to Italy!


This is an embarrassing picture, but it accurately describes the trance I was in. I have 2 little spoons going on here with my gelato and I was in coma state. Pure bliss. Yum. It is making my mouth water just thinking about it. It is heaven. I am sending you some gelato in my mind right now so you all can taste how great it is! 


Me, Zion, and Brandon (in our sweatpants!) in Italy!


This is from when we went to Lichtenstein! Becky and I were going together and were supposed to meet the others, but our bus was late. I got a little freaked out, as I hate being late. . . . . Haha. Another embarrassing photo. .


Becky, me and Alex (the only exchange student in Lichtenstein!) on top of that mountain we climbed!198475_1686284355646_1193780077_31593794_3059871_n Tighe bought this Lichteinsteinian license plate for 45 francs! Ridiculous. Then, Becky said she was going to get a picture of it, and Ben decided to lick it, then I started laughing. Get it?! LICK-teinstein!  I know. Hilarious.


This view over Lake Geneva never gets old waking up to and falling asleep to. Next year, this will be one of the many, many things I’ll miss.


SO. Last week, I was back at school, and then last weekend, of course I went out on an adventure! To Italy! Well, actually, I was in Brig, but we decided to go over to Italy for some food, since it isn’t far!


Italian flag!


Jenna and I posing for a picture with my pizza! With Sierra trying to sneak a bite!


Matt showing off his beautiful pizza. Yum. It is just so so so good.


This, right here my friends, is the most amazing thing you could ever eat. Ever. It is so amazing. So fantastic. So mouth-watering. So fabulous. So just EVERY GREAT ADJECTIVE OUT THERE! I am in love with Italy and their pizza, pasta, and gelato. So in love.


They had a little market going on that we walked through and got free samples from!


All the other exchange students here have found a sign or something of the sort that is their name. I FINALLY FOUND MINE! IN ITALY! YAY!  Bar Laura. Haha. The bartender saw we were taking a picture and she came up and posed in the window! See her?! Haha. Good stuff.


High on life right here. Smile 


We were making funny faces on the train ride home Smile This one was the only one though where I look somewhat attractive. With Sierra creeping in Smile 


Well, that is all for now! I hope you all are having a great week! I know I am! See you in 4 months! Talk to you soon!


Love, Laura

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