Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunshine, castles, English, and swimming. Yes.

Last Saturday, Rotex (ex-exchange students) had an event! Basically, an excuse to get together with other exchange students!

And, the more exciting part was that is was in the French part! At the Chateau de Chillon! The most famous castle in Switzerland :)

Jenna and I on our way to the castle!

We walked along the lake to the castle! Beautiful.
At Chillon!
Back in the day, they slept sitting up, because they thought if they layed down, they would die. Interesting. And uncomfortable.
Thomas walking through a "secret tunnel for love affairs".. . . I guess they knew how not to get caught even back then. . .

Megan and I!
On the famous "double toilet", Andrew and I decided to take a classy pee. . . . :)
This may or may not be appropriate. But I find it amusing. :)

It's time for #2. . . .

It's funny because here, we always call ourselves "the world's best".

So, there we were on our tour, and the guide says there is one last place that we are going to see and askes us to guess.

So, we are throwing out everything we can think of, and this continues for a good couple minutes. Finally the guide is like. "OKAY, OKAY! We are going to the dungeon...follow me....". OF COURSE! We were in a castle, after all. You would of thought the "world's best could of put that together. . . We're a bright group of kids. :)

But there we have Megan and Sophie heading down!

Those stairs were not made for people over 2 feet. Alas, I made it out of the dungeon alive.
Sierra in the window!
Sierra, Jenna, and I with our knight in shining armor!
Jenna and I attempting to break INTO the dungeon. She apparently didn't understand the entrance plan.
Zion and I in Lake Geneva prooudly bearing the Swiss Flag!
So, Zion and I being the crazy people we are, decide to just go swimming! So, in our dresses we went, into the lake! It was so cold! But after a minute, I numbed up, so it was all good. :) Swimming in Lake Geneva with the Alps in the background. Life is so good.
Victory. Yet again. :)

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