Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Last Wednesday, I went to see my big sister, Vera! If you don’t remember her, she lived with us in the States 3 years ago, and she is part of the reason I wanted to become an exchange student! So, off to Weinfelden, on the other side of Switzerland, I went!

We actually met up in St. Gallen, which is over by the German and Austrian boarder. We went to Migros, got some food and then had a little picnic lunch Smile After, we headed to a chocolate factory! One of the plus sides to Switzerland, the chocolate factories are supreme!



Vera with free sample #1! Free samples = yes. I’m all over that. Haha.

Afterwards, we headed back to her house! We were going to have a little cook-out for dinner, so we had to cut wood. And I, Laura, am happy to say that I still have muscles! Or enough at least to cut wood! Smile How I still have them, I have no idea. But I do. Win. Smile 


Vera, me, and her dad, Martin!


Vera and I cooking the sausages! I am so going to miss those German bratwurst next year. Ah. They are so delicious!


Serving dinner!

After dinner, we watched episodes of CSI: New York, since I have the DVD’s and that was her favorite show back in Kansas Smile And then off to bed!

Thursday, I was heading to Bern to meet up with Noemi, who lived with us in the States last year! So, my train was at 9:59, platform 3.

It takes 10 minutes to walk from Vera’s house.

No surprise, I had a million bags and was trying to fit everything, and so at 9:53, I was still packing and grabbing my stuff.

  So, I run out of the house and Vera had gotten 2 bikes out, because we weren’t going to make it, even running. The problem, the bikes were so tall! I mean, I am tall, but these bikes must have been 7 feet tall! So, as we are going up her street, I am trying to hop onto the bike, but I just couldn’t make it! So, I literally throw the bike to the side of the road and start running for it!

But, on the back of Vera’s bike is this little shelf type thing where you can put bags, so she is yelling at me to “Just get on!!! You aren’t going to make the train! Get on!!” So I run and jump on and make it! Haha.

( I feel it is important to mention I was wearing a dress, and sitting on a bike like that doesn’t work in a dress. So, everyone in Weinfelden knows I was wearing pink flowered underwear now) 

So we are going downhill, on a bike, with 2 people. We were flying! I was screaming, afraid we were going to crash and fall. Vera is telling me to be quiet and still otherwise we will crash, and everyone on the sidewalk and street is staring at us.

But, after that terrifying yet hilarious experience, I am happy to say I made the train!

And after, as I was on the train to Bern, she texts me saying “You know, it’s illegal to ride on a bike with 2 people in Switzerland, so if we would of gotten a ticket, I would have made you pay Smile .

So kind of her Smile 

Okay, so in Bern, I met up with Jenna and then Noemi, who, like I said, lived with us last year!

We walked around, went to this restaurant, which was SO AMERICAN it freaked me out! I haven’t been to a place like that in almost 9 months, and it was just wow. So American.

After, we went to the Parliament building! Which is where the Swiss make their laws, etc. It was really cool!

After, Jenna and I said bye to Noemi and then we went to Jenna’s house to get an overnight bag and then we headed back to Vera’s house!

Once there, we just made dinner and then went to bed because we were SO tired!

Another funny story. So, Jenna and I were sleeping in the same bed, and when we went to bed, we were freezing, so we had 3 huge blankets, and we obviously heated up fast. Also since Jenna is literally a human heater! So, I thought she had fallen asleep, but I was literally dying of heat, so I kick off my socks, I kick off the covers, and am sweating! At this point, we had been “sleeping” for 3 or so hours, and so I roll over and Jenna talks to me, and is like “are you dying of heat too?!” Haha. So we kick the covers off, I go and open all the windows in the room and start to cool down. Then I decide that I will just sleep on the floor since it’s cooler down there, so I make a blanket bed and sleep there. But apparently, I was snoring super loud, since I had a cold and couldn’t breathe out of my nose, and so, since she knows I never snore, I guess she thought I was dying or something. haha. So, moving on, I wake up now and it’s daylight (but it was still only 6am) and I was shaking I was so cold! But there were no blankets and Jenna was taking over the bed, and I felt bad waking her up, so I just layed there on the floor freezing. After 5 minutes, (I was staring at her hoping she would wake up) Jenna rolls over, wide awake, and is like “I'm freezing!” And I was like ME TOO! So then I climbed into bed, we grabbed the blankets I was sleeping on, and we instantly heated back up. Haha. Then we layed in bed watching movies all day Smile Traveling around is lots of fun, but sometimes, it’s nice to take a day off, in your p.j.’s, laying in bed with your best friend, watching chick flicks and eating pasta and brownies.

Around 2, when Jenna and I finally decided to get out of bed, we moved into Vera’s room, where we played dress up and danced to Taylor Swift songs.


Graduate!!! (Vera’s high school graduation stuff Smile ) haha.


“Oh my! I’m so proud of you Laura! You finally passed art!” – Jenna.


And with the big sis! Red heart

Jenna and I left Vera’s at 5pm then and headed to Fribourg!




Me! I must say, we made quite a change from our nighty with bed head and no make-up to this. Smile Haha.

Once in Fribourg, we met up with Brandon, Cristina, Ian, and Andrew and the 6 of us were going to go out dancing. So we go to the club, but it’s not open yet, so we go across the street to this park and started playing Disney charades! Haha. Kids at heart. But Ian kept cheating and using Pixar movies, so we changed it to where it was just all children’s movies. People were staring at us like we were stupid drunk kids, I don’t know why. I mean, yes, we were jumping around trying to guess the movie and screaming and shouting out guesses, and the whenever we acted them out, we looked ridiculous, but still. . . . .haha. Smile 

So, once the club opened, we got tickets and went inside, but it was so disappointing. The music was some annoying techo thingy that they played the whole hour we lasted in there. I mean, NO ONE was dancing. At all. Because there was no way to dance to that. So after literally falling asleep, Jenna and Andrew decide to make the best of it and go out into the middle of the floor and start dancing, and then Brandon and I decide to go, and we looked so funny! I mean, there was NO one dancing, and everyone was just staring at the weird foreigners doing weird dance moves. Haha. That’s us for ya!

Afterwards, we had to run back to the train station so we didn’t miss our train (we barely made it) and then Jenna came back to my house for a sleepover!

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