Friday, April 15, 2011

After-school is out.

So, after school each day. What do I do?


See exchange students.

Use my GA.




Zion and I!

The other day, Zion and I were thinking back to the beginning of the year and how we have changed. A lot of people tell me I have changed a lot, as well as Zion. But it's funny because, like yesterday, Zion and I will say the same thing at the same time, like we share a mind, and we laugh at the same time, stop, look at each other, then start laughing again simuntaneously. I think we have changed into the same person. Haha. Love it.

Jenna and I decided to treat ourselves to some Lolipop!!! So amazing.
Jenna giving some lovin' to Zion's food baby, George.

No shame. One wise exchange student once said "Exchange students. Weight gain. We go together like fondue and Switzerland". The fact that we all have food babies is acceptable. So don't make fun of George, Harvey, Duncan and Abraham. :)
This would be the story of my life. Train rides. Welcome to it.
Jenna and Becky!
Jenna and I laying in the sun. Yes. We rode an hour on the train to Bern just so we could meet up and lay in a park together.
Zion and I on a train. Again. Seeing some repition here? :)

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