Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I found my calling.

Where I live here in Switzerland is beautiful and everything. But BALLENBERG IS WHERE IT IS!

Okay. So you all know of Williamsburg, Virginia, right?

Well. It is basically one of my favorite places of all time. I just love it! I love looking at the old building, I love the history, I love how interactive it is, I love basically everything about it.

I. Laura. Am pleased to announce that I have discovered the Swiss version of Williamsburg.

It is called. . . . . Ballenberg.

It is in central Switzerland, on a mountain.

What they did was take old houses from all over Switzerland and move them to Ballenberg! So they aren’t models or reconstructed, they are the original houses that Swiss people used to live in way back when! A lot of them were from the 14 and 1500’s! And you can walk al through the house! (I love looking at houses!) and they have it all set up like it was back then, and they have signs that explain what this was and what that was and there are people demonstrating things, like I watched a demonstration on how to make cheese, on how they made clothes, etc. and it was just. So up my alley!!!!! I love it! I wish I could live there!!!!!!

I am definitely going back when Mom comes here in June. As an excuse so I can go back! Smile 

So, last Saturday, I went with my host family and my counselor and his family and we got there right when the gates opened at 10am and left at 5pm. I was running from house to house I was so excited! Haha. I LOVED it! I took way too many photos, so I went through and chose the best ones, so to say, (there are 88.  . . . ) and put them into a Picasa album, because my blog would freak out if I tried to put in 88 pictures.

So, if you want to look at the pictures, all you have to do is click here ------------->  Ballenberg Photos!


So, let’s see. What else.

MOM, DAD, AND BECCA ARE COMING IN 46 DAYS! Can you believe it?!?!?!?! I sure can’t! I mean, wow. I just don’t know what to do with myself!

It is crazy. This year has been everything I could of asked for. Amazing.

Well. My blog is now up to date. Smile I will be gone for the next 4 days, traveling around with other exchange students since this is the last week of vacation, so after that, I will fill you in on those adventures!!! Talk to you all soon!


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