Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not to fear.

I. Am. Back.
Yes my fellow friends, I have returned to the world of regular blogging! YAY! Why? Because I recieved a SPECTACULAR package today from my fantastic mother (Love you mom!) which incuded my NEW CHARGER AND CONVERTOR! Hence, here I am, with a fully charged computer, BLOGGING! Okay, here we go!
The day before I headed to Belguim, Becky and I went to Martiny to visit the St. Bernard dog museum. A.K.A. the dog of Switzerland! When Becky and I got off the train, we realized that it was a bit longer walk without directions than we thought, and after taking charge, I am pleased to say we found a sign pointing in the right direction. So excited in fact, that I needed a photo. :)
Since after visiting Martiny, I was going to go straight to the airport, I had to bring my things with me. But, being the smart grasshopper that I am, I somehow convinced Becky to pull it along. Hehe.

After seeing the dogs and trying to get a picture of them but them barking and getting mad at us (and I wasn't gonna mess with a ginormo dog) we started to look at the actual museum, and I found "him".

While in the museum, we found this Rotary emblem. It's like they are always watching. Like big brother. A little worriesome. Just a little. . . . .
Then I found these ramdom masks and decided to show my funny side :)

After getting back from Belguim, I started school (unfortunetly) again. After suffering for a week, the weekend FINALLY came! Becky came over for a sleepover and the next day we went to Luzern. Now, due to my camera dying, I only have 2 pictures from this little trip. Becky has the rest, which I will post soon! Anyway, this is Lake Luzern! Luzern was actually a lot smaller then I pictured it, but so cute! As is every other town in this beautiful country, but still, it was one of the cuter ones!
This is a HORRIBLE angle of me, but whatever, I will get over it. Becky and I in Luzern! It was SO HOT (as in I only needed a light jacket!)!!!! And the sun was shining, and ah! Such a perfect day! I cannot wait for spring time in la suisse to come!

So, I then proceeded to go to another week of school. Great.
I did survive however! Thursday night, I went with Alix, my sister who is 16, to the stables where she rides horses and got to brush and saddle and all that jazz! I haven't done any of that since horse camp! haha, so dorky!
Friday night, I went to my dad's house (remember, my host parents are divorced) and spent the night there with Alix and Ilan. Nora was snowboarding with a friend. And then Saturday, I headed out around noon to meet up with Zion in Lausanne to do some shopping! After, we headed to take a panoramic train to this hot air balloon festival, but since the weather had dramatically changed since last weekend, and there was enough wind to think you were in a tornado and it was freezing, there were no balloons. :(
Then, Zion came back to my house and slept over and Sunday, we headed to Monreux, which is about a 5 minute train ride from Vevey, and 3 from my school, and walked around since it was so sunny, yet COLD. We did manage to achvieve one of our goals this year. Buy a Swiss hat.
Now, we have yet to jazz it up, but once we have, be prepared to be amazed!!!!!!!!! We were walking through the streets with these hats, and people were looking at us like we were crazy. Eh. Doesn't faze me anymore. Haha.
Well. Here I am. Eating some beef jerky and sour patch kids with my little sister and brother, listening to Nora complain about her English homework (which is learning vocab over exploring! Exciting!) and loving my Swiss life.
Ciao for now!

The mountains. This is how high we were. Above the clouds. Yeah. No biggie.

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