Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No. No. No. And no.

Why, do you ask, is the title so negative??? Because I have come to the realisation, just today, that this is my 5 month anniversary in Switzerland. This means that my time is almost halfway over. I also realised just today that in one month, Feb. 15th at the latest to be exact, I will have to book my return flight home. Which gave me a mini panic attack today, and is again as I write this. At first, I couldn't wait to get back home. Switzerland was nice for a month, when I didn't have school, and I was just traveling around and all. And then the 2nd month came and I was homesick. Sucked. Then the next few months passed, and I grew to love Switzerland, the mountains, the cold, the trains, my friends, the bread and chocolate, Migros, pretty much everything this beautiful place had to offer. And right now, all the ''oldies'' (the exchange students from Australia, Argentina, South Africa who came last January) are leaving, which means that I am now an oldie and am next to go. GHAKDUDFAöIFSADöäüDFSDéDHFISDFàHJDSILGS !!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to come home and see mom and dad, and Becca, and the cats (since I have discovered I am a crazy cat person, Ab, you were right) and all my friends and Gardner, and Wal-Mart and eat a steak, but at the same time, I don't want to come home. I want to be able to live both of these lives at the same time. I know that that is impossible, but still. A girl can wish, right? And the thing is, leaving Kansas, I knew I was coming back in a year. And if all else failed, I could always come home early. But when I leave here, I won't know when I will be back. Which makes it even more depressing to think about leaving. Ugh. Why! I read this letter type thing that Vera had hanging on her wall when I visited her. I read it and thought that it was really great, it talked about learning how to balance the 2 lives you have. And that is what I will have to learn. I will have to learn to balance my Swiss life, and my American life. How to balance my Swiss families and my American family. These past 5 months have been the hardest, yet most memorable and amazing months of my life, and I can only imagine what the next few have to offer! Which will probably make leaving even harder. Great. Ugh. The life of an exchange student.
Well, besides freaking out, what have I been up to you ask? Well. I started school again this week. And I must say, the the reason for my inconsistent blogging, is that I am having a few problems with technology, and my computer is not charging, but not to worry, dad is sending a new one! But last week, with my new amazing family, I went back to Belguim! We flew this time, and just stayed in Brussels, which was cool because we got to see the whole city! I went with my family and also my uncle, aunt, and 2 cousins, as you will see in the video :) Well, I must go. I have a math test to study for and booking a plane ticket home to worry about. I am going to be so homesick for Switzerland next year. OKAY.THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS! I still have 6 or so more months! I will be okay. Yeah. 6 months. Then I can freak out. As for you, my fellow camarades, enjoy the video! Over and out. Laura.

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