Monday, October 4, 2010

"It's gonna make you so much stronger"

Hello everyone! Hopefully, this post doesn't bore you, because nothing super exciting has happened since my last one, and I have no pictures to post. Sorry. But, if you are still reading or planning on continuing, i will try and make it as interesting as possible. Not that school is very interesting. But we'll get to that later.

You might be comtemplating this title. About two weeks ago and the beginning of last week, I got homesick. I was like why did I do this, what was I thinking, I am out of my mind, so I ranted in this giant message to my best friend. She replied with such an amazing message, and since I read it, I have felt so much better. She told me not to question my motives for wanting this, because I am here, and I am living the experience of a lifetime. She also said that it's okay to have your days when you are feeling down, and that's its okay to let new people into my life, because that's what this is partly about, making new relationships. She also told me that I am going to be so proud of myself when I come back, and I can only grow from this experience. I feel like I have grown a lot in just the short time I've been here already. I know that this is a big thing for a 16 girl to do, and I should be proud of myself, and I just need to remember to embrace every moment here, and remember that I'll still have everything back home in Kansas when I get back, but that just letting this year pass me by is something I won't gain back. So now, I'm getting out there, and trying my best to take everything in:) And I'm not homesick anymore, which is def. good!

So. This week, I pretty much got up, got driven to the train station (thank you so much Marielle!), went to school, was bored out of my mind, realized the teachers were assigning homework (which they haven't done before this week, when they decided to just pile it on), quick got out my agenda and wrote it down, go to my 2 hour lunch, which actually isn't as horrible anymore now that I have friends, finish up my classes, get on the train home, walk home, check email, think about doing homework, decide homework is probably a good idea, do homework, set the table, eat, talk about my day, say goodnight to my parents, and Magali and I get ready for bed, go to bed, and repeat. I know. Quite exciting. Haha.

This week, I have 3 tests in school! Yay! One was today, chimie, also know as chemistry. I studied hard this weekend and I think I did a decent job. Wed. I have a test in Swiss ecomony and law, which is a wee bit diffivult for me to understand. And Friday, a test in physics. Now, i HATE physics in the U.S. because that was the one subject I could never understand, and here in no exception. So that oughta be interesting. But, I'm deternined to try my best and not fail, so we'll see:)

Oh. I have to tell you about this really funny thing we had Thursday. So, Wed, our Bio teacher informed us that the directrice was retiring, and Thurs. morning, at 9, we would have a little farwell for her. Now, at GE, everyone knows Mr. Brady, and he knows all of us. When he sees us in the hallway, he says "Hey, how's it going?" but here, i have never met the directrice, and neither had the other kidsi n my class, they didnt even know her name. Haha. So, Thursday, at 9, we all meet up ( we didnt have a class 1st period) and we go out to stand on the tape that formed a pathway from the main building to the staduim. All the kids were talking, as was I, and she walks out (this whole thing was suppossed to be a suprise for her, but they announced it on the loudspeaker, so I'm thinking she knew) and everyone starts this unenthusiastic clapping. She is like half smiling and just walks down the middle. Lol. It was so weird. Then we go in, and she has a speech prepared (another reason I think she knew) and is talking about how she will miss her students, and seeing their faces in the morning and so on. But no one has ever seen her before. Lol. So after this speech, they brought croissiants for everyone, so we all had a crossaint, and then went back to class at 10. Oh, and they gave her these two presents, and they had balloons on them, so they gave her a sissors. and she cut the balloons, and the teachers start clapping and going like Yay! Happy day! and we are like, we are clapping for the balloons floating into the atmosphere. Yay. It was so funny, just all in all. Ah. My Swiss school, keeps me entertained.

So that was my week. Last night, my counselor and his wife came over, and my 2nd host family. They have a daughter who is 16, goes to my school, a daughter who is 14, and a son who is 13.
The parents are divorced, and I'll live with my mom, but I can go visit their dad on the weekends with the kids if I want. They also live in the same village, which is nice:) They seem really nice too! So yes, a good ending to the week. Today was Mon, though, and no one likes Mondays, but it wasn't that bad. For sports, we ran for 40 or something minutes straight, without stopping. My face was SOOO RED! Haha. I looked so funny. All the other kids were like, are you alright? Hills are not my friends here, but on the plus side, my calves are getting so hard! All these hills must be doing some good. Today, after sports, I was like to the other girls in my class, "Look at this! Do you see how great that looks!" Haha. They were like "yeah Laura. Cool." Lol. Okay. I must close. I have Swiss law calling my name to be studied. Hope all is well in Kansas, or Connecticut, or wherever you are reading this from! Salut! Laura

P.S. I thought this quote was funny. "If you're late, you're either not taking Swiss trains, or you're not wearing a Swiss watch"

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