Sunday, October 10, 2010

"A coobe?" and a movie!

Hey everyone! So I know I just posted something the other day, but today, after my friends left, I was bored. And it was gross, and cold, and foggy outside, so I didn't wanna go anywhere, so I decided to make another video. But this one is of Switzerland, not me talking. So I think its way cooler! haha. Here, have a look:)

So yesterday, my friends came over, and we went exploring Switzerland with our GA train passes:) We ended up in the cutest little town. Then we procceded to buy junk food. But let me explain the title. So in Switzerland, there are 2 different grocery stores, Coop, and Migros. So after leaving the train station, we saw a Migros, but low and behold, it was closed, so we were gonna then try and find a Coop. So we see these 2 teenage guys standing there, and they speak Swiss-German. So first, we are like French or English? and they say English. Here is how the rest of the conversation went:

Me: Do you know where a Coop is?

Guy #1: Coobe? (Making a square with his hands) a coobe? (meaning cube)

Me: Nooo. I Coop. Like a grocery store.

Guy #1: (blank look)

Becky: It sells food? A coop?

Guy #2: Laughing at his friend while smoking. Typical of Swiss teenagers. Lol.

Me: You know? Like where we can buy food?

Guy #1: Ah. You want to find eat!

Becky, Zion and I in unison: Yes! You know where the store is?

Guy #1: (pointing towards the Migros right next to us) Migros!

Me: It's closed.

Guy #1: (Blank look)

Zion: Closed, Fermer, Fermer, Closed? Not open?

Guy #1: Ah. Coop! No. No Coop. In the station (train station).

Becky, Zion and I: (Laughing) haha. Okay. Thank you.

It was so funny. "Ah! You want to find eat!". The little place in the station pretty much had chocolate and crackers. Lol. But we eventually bought stuff in Vevey when getting on the train back to my town. We had a pretty swell time last night:) Telling our funny and embarrassing Swiss stories:)

Well, that is all. Enjoy the video! 1 week left 'till Belgium! Yay! Salut!



  1. Laura - I am Becky's Mom, we had a great time having lunch with your family on Saturday. I am so glad you and Becky are friends.
    This is a wonderful video, of course it made me cry, but that's what moms do! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us :)

  2. Aw. Glad you liked the video! My parents told me they had a great time at lunch with you too! Becky and I gotta stick together here! Lol. Share our embarrassing stories and all:) Hope all is well in OK!

  3. Were they cute?!?! They sound cute
