Thursday, October 28, 2010

Destination: Belguim. And a birthday.

Hello! I have returned! I got back Tuesday night from Belgium. Then, I left Wednesday morning at 6am to go spend the day with my 2 American friends, because it was Zion's 18th birthday (bonne anniversaire ma cherie!) and I got back a few hours ago. Busy busy. Today I have to clean my room, unpack, email people back, journal, oh so much, and tommorrow, I am going to go exploring somewhere in Switzerland (I love my GA!) and then Saturday, I am having a Halloween party for my Swiss friends and let me tell you, it is going to be SOOOO AWESOME. Can't wait. Okay. So I am sure you are just dying to hear about my Belgian adventures! We went to the North Sea, and stayed in a little village called Coq. But we ventured out 2 of the days to visit Brussels and Brugge. I took many photos and to post them all would take "infinity" (as quoted from Facebook when I tried to post my last video. "Infinity hours remaining for this upload" Great) So, I made a video for you to watch while we were driving home:) Enjoy!

In case you would like further explanation of the photos, and to see other photos as well, please scroll down and continue reading:)

This is the apartment my family owns, and that, would be our view. Loved. It.

My sister and I:) We bonded a lot over the vacation. I guess thats what happens when all you have is each other, no internet, and are sharing a room. But now, we tight. Haha. And, if you can tell, it was a little cold. This was the first walk we went on there. I lasted about 5 minutes without a hat and gloves.
The North Sea!!! Ugh. I look like a giant marshmellow.
This, my friends, is Manikeen-Piss (sorry if I spelled that wrong). If you do not know him or his story, I would advise you to look him up. I was disappointed that he wasn't dressed, but we went to the museum where all his clothes, which was really cool! I was also suprised at how little he was. Just a mini little peeing man.

One of the days, we went to Brugge, which is said to be the Venice of the north. It was SO BEAUTIFUL. There were canals everywhere and ah, just amazing. While there, since it is the chocolate capital of Belguim, I think, we went to a chocolate museum, and posed with this cool sign:)
Brugge. The light isn't that great, but ah, so amazing.

Let me explain, LW (me) was here (the North Sea beach). :) Creative. I know. Haha.
I. Have. Always. Wanted. To. Do. This.

It was so much fun! My sister and I took turns driving my parents around the town, Coq, and I loved it. I am going to buy one of these bikes when I am older. haha. Oh. In case you couldn't tell, this is a bike that holds 4 people. Should of explained that first. Oh well.

This is when we first took off. My dad was like, I will take a picture! So we head out and it went a little faster than we were expecting with a bigger curb than we thought with a bumpier road than anticipated. Haha. I love our faces. AHHH! So much fun:)
My host dad, Jean-Michel, me, and Albert Einstein. He stayed in Coq, the village we stayed in, for 6 months in 1933, so they put a statue of him in the park.

So, as we are heading home from our adventures, the train stops, and there is an announcement over the intercom saying there has been an accident with a domestic animal. Turns out, we hit a horse. I felt bad. This is the sign saying that trains headed in that direction are going to be late due to an accident with a horse. Thank you for your understanding.

The 3 musketeers! I love this photo!

I hope all is well! I'll let you know about my party! Oh. And I have to congratulate the Blazers on their amazing win against "them". Haha. I am very sad I couldn't watch it on ESPN since I had no internet, but I was cheering them on in spirit!

Salut for now!


P.S. This is for Tasha: I got you package and letter, and I loved it! Thank you soo much! I will write you back soon! Oh. And he is definetly a cutie! I approve:)


  1. yay you got it!! :) It looks like you are having a blast! Wish I was there! and he is definately a cutie, we've been dating two and a half weeks now!! Love you, Miss you tons,


  2. Really? I need your email address!! Aw this is exciting that you are dating him! I'm so happy for you!

  3. Yes really!! :) Its 3 and a half weeks now, oh how time flies when you are having fun! lol and my email is I'd love for you to email me! Love you

