Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just another day.

Hello world!

I hope your past week has been amazing! I know everyone back home is busy running around to graduations, studying for finals, counting down until summer, etc.! Here, the past week has been a little stressful. Jenna, one of my best friends here, went home. It was really sudden, but there were a lot of problems, and basically her best option was to go home. But she was already going home in June anyway, so she only went home a couple weeks early. But still, it was hard. So, the few of the week was spent going and getting all her stuff from her host family’s house and moving her to the French part to stay with Zion. And holy cow. Did she have a lot of stuff. How we made it all the way from Luzern to Morges, I have no idea. Haha.


First leg of the trip to Morges. Getting all of it on her village bus that would take us to Luzern for the train. We were already worn out. Haha.

Tuesday and Wednesday I hung out with my host mom. We made lunch, we went to the horse stables, where my host family has horses, we went shopping, etc. Smile 

Wednesday night, I slept over at Becky’s house, because that way I would be able to make it the airport on time.

Thursday morning, we got up at 5am and met Jenna and the crew on the train and we headed to Zurich Airport Sad smile 


6:30am. Cris, Zion, Jenna and I on the way to Zurich!

Once we got to the airport, I didn’t have much time to spend, since after Becky and I were going to this amusement park (we will get to this later). So we got there at 8:15 and we went to go check her in already. It took us a little while to figure out where it was we needed to be, but we managed and got it all squared away! By then, it was 8:35, and I had to leave with Becky to go catch our train, and so I tried to take a picture before we started crying, but I didn’t do to good. . .


To Jenna. It has been such an amazing ride. I couldn’t have imagined anyone else to share the memories with. We have done so much and come so far. Never ever will I forget any of it. I love you to death girly, and I will see you at our meeting point in between Canada and Kansas soon! Red heart Love, love, love.


After quite a bipolar train ride on my part, of me crying, then laughing, then crying, etc. and having everyone else on the train think I was crazy ,Becky and I made it to Germany!

Now, there is this famous amusement park here in Europe called Europa Park. It is located in Germany. And I have been wanting to go all year. So Jenna and I had planned this date like 2 months ago, and it just so happened that she ended up leaving on the day we had planned to go. But we had already gotten the tickets for this day, and we couldn’t reschedule it, so I spent the morning at the airport, and then the rest of the day in Germany, so I could go to an amusement park.


Becky and I with the famed mouse at the entrance!


Getting ready to go in! Anticipation!


Once we got in, I, of course, grabbed a map and planned our attack. Making sure we hit all the rides. I was going to get my money’s worth!

Europa Park is divided by countries, and then they have rides that correspond with each country. For instance, in Switzerland, they have a roller coaster called “Matterhorn Blitz”, in Greece, there was a water roller coaster called “Search for Atlantis”, etc. . . Smile 


They had this giant ball in France. They totally stole this idea from Epcot. . . Just saying. .. . . But the ride inside this one was WAY cooler. It was a legit roller coaster.


My favorite of the European countries, Switzerland!


So, we went on a Thursday, since that way there wouldn’t be a lot of people and lines. So, we are walking through Greece, and I hear someone calling “Laura!”. But I didn’t look back since I assumed that no one I knew would be there. But it sounded like the voice of my little sister in my 2nd host family. So, after hearing my name called a bunch of times, I turn around to see Nora, my sister, and her best friend there! I was so confused! Haha. I was like “Does mom know you are skipping?! What are  you doing here?!” And turns out she was there for a school field trip! It was just so funny that we would be there on the same day! So then we went and rode a bunch of rides together, got a souvenir photo, and just had a great hour together! After, she had to go back with her class, but it was still so funny and lots of fun!  I miss living with that girly!


Becky and I!


It seriously was PERFECT weather all day long, until the last 30 minutes, which worked out perfectly, since Becky and I had just rode the last ride!


On our way out of the park, we stopped and got some food for the ride home. Chocolate Apples, Cotton Candy, and popcorn. Along wit my souvenir mouse hat of the Europa mouse! They have so many great rides at Europa Park, some of which would never work in the States, haha, but we made it out with no bumps or bruises, and very pleased with the fact that we rode everything! Day well spent. The only problem we encountered was that  on the way home, our train to Vevey was late, and so we missed my little village train by 1 minute! So we had to wait in Vevey, at 11pm at night, in the rain, for an hour, since that train only comes through 1 time every hour. But it was all good, since Becky came home with me for a sleepover. And even though the morning sucked and was hard, the day ended up nice!

Now tonight, I am going out with my host sister, and then tomorrow morning I leave for BARCELONA, SPAIN!!! So I will be gone until Thursday night, so until then!

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