Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dream. Come. True.

Hello! I have just fantastic news!

So, my goal this whole year (don’t laugh) has been to go to a ball. I know. Weird. But it has been my dream. That was the first thing that Zion and I ever bonded over. Our dream of going to  a ball. Haha. We are such girls. Anyway. So the other day when I was in Morges with Cris and Brandon, Cris was looking for a dress, since there was this ball that her school was throwing. Now, all the kids in the German part have these balls, but not in the French part. So unfair. So I go on this rampage about how unfair it is, etc. . . and the Cris was like, Laura! Brandon! You 2 should go! And voila! Brandon and I were going to the Ball with Cris and Ben. Dream. Come. True.

So, of course I was going to make a big deal out of it. Smile We decided to go Tuesday, and Wednesday night I sent him a text saying “2 MORE DAYS!”. And Thursday one saying “1 MORE DAY!” And Friday “TODAY!”. Haha. I was WAY TOO EXCITED! I still am excited just thinking about how excited I was!

So, when Friday came around, I got up early and headed to Bulle, where Becky lives, and spent the day letting her do my hair and make-up. Rough. Smile 

But first, since Becky lives in the middle. of. no-where. I wanted some pictures with cows. Since I don’t have any, and, I live in Switzerland after all.



When I was walking up, the cows literally came running over and then just stared at me for a good 5 minutes, like what the heck is that thing making way to much noise?


Then I tried to pet him, but he just wouldn’t come over. . . .


The AMAZINGLY TALENTED (wait ‘till you see my hair and make-up) Becky! With her cows. Smile This is her back-yard.


This is canton Fribourg. Each canton has a little saying about it.  It is said that everyone from here smells like cow poop, since there is a cow every 5 centimeters. It is true. It was extremely revolting. The whole village was just. . . wow. I have never smelt cow _____ that strong. Wow. Haha. Thank God I live on Lake Geneva in the vineyards.

After our cow photo shoot, Becky worked her magic! I never knew that she was so good at hair and make-up! From now on, I’m going to make her do my hair and make-up all the time. She doesn’t know what she got herself into. . . . Mwhahaha.

After sitting in the chair for a few hours and letting her burn me with the straightener (Kim, if you are reading this, Becky kept telling me “Laura, be quiet. My mom always told me BEAUTY IS PAIN. Get over it.”), poke me with brushes, pluck eye-brows, etc., I was AMAZED. Seriously, I am going to OU and moving in with Becky so she can do hair and make-up all the time. And then, to make me love her even more, she suggested a photo-shoot! And, I have a weakness for photo-shoots. Here are a few of the photos!






One side of my hair!


The back of my hair! (And yes, I am fully aware my hair is 10 million different colors. It is ridiculous. And it drives me crazy. But I don’t want to dye it. But it still is driving me crazy. Sigh.)


And the full look!

After professing my love and gratitude for Becky a million times, I headed to Bern and met up with Ben and Cris at 7  and we went back to Cris’s house. There, Cris did her hair and make-up, with Ben saying that it was ridiculous how much effort we were putting into our look. At 8:30, Brandon came over after his volleyball practice, and, (the ball started at 9:30, we were shooting for 10 to be there), so at about 9:25 (5 minutes before Cris and I said we wanted to leave) the boys started to get ready. Ridiculous how they can just slap on their clothes, run a hand through their hair, throw on some comfy shoes and go. Meanwhile, I started getting ready at 10am. Haha. So, once they were ready, Cris and I were ready to take pictures, much to the boys dislike, but Cris and I were going to get photos! Whether or not they wanted to. Smile 52

Cris and I! My little Ecuadorian! Smile 


Since some people waited too long to get ready, it was dark when we finally made it outside. Haha. But we did get the photos! Victory for the girls! From left to right, we have Ben, Cris, me and Brandon!


The boys looking classy!


Ben and Cris! (P.S. I don’t understand the goose thing either. . . . )


Brandon and I!


Brandon is such a hick in this photo! Haha. These 2 know how to make us laugh Smile 


Off to the Ball!!!


And at the Ball!!!

We all had so much fun! We danced the night away! I thought my feet were going to fall off by 4am when we left! So, we literally danced all night! We said before we left the house for the Ball that we had to get an after picture, but we were all waaaaayyyyyyyy to tired to do anything but fall into bed. Haha. So, like I said, we left at 4am and then all went back to Cris’s house, took off our make-up, un-did the hair, changed into p.j.’s, and all 4 of us were out within seconds! We woke up later that morning around 9:30 and then Brandon and I left at 10:15 and headed home.

So, I can now officially say that I, Laura, have gone to a real European ball, and had a ball of a time!!!

Dream. Come. True.

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