Monday, February 7, 2011

Things I have learned so far.

I learned (so far). . . .
  1. I learned I am stronger than I thought I was. I can now do anything I set my mind to.
  2. I learned to live the phrase "it's not the days in a life, it's the life in the days".
  3. I learned to ALWAYS be on time for Swiss trains. Because even if you are running, and the conductor sees you, and it will take you a whole 30 seconds more to get there and on the train, he ain't waiting and you might as well accept that you are now going to be late for school.
  4. I learned that it's okay to cry. Even if you have strategically placed yourself on a great, double-decker, Sunday night train surrounded by hot army guys. Yes. Even then.
  5. I learned that I may not understand, or want to live my life the way others do, but I can at least accept them for their way of life.
  6. I learned to believe in myself.
  7. I learned to take chances. Because without taking chances, where do you get in life?
  8. I learned to go with the flow. Because not every person likes to have every detail of their life planned a month in advance like I do.
  9. I learned to open up and be vunderable, to show people what's under the front I put up for myself.
  10. I learned to let go. Let loose, have fun, and not worry.
  11. I learned that sometimes, you are gonna lose and fall down. But that I must remember to always get back up and hold my head high.
  12. I learned how to live life with no regrets.
  13. I learned to not care what people think of me. If I wanna sing Taylor Swift songs while on a train, I'm gonna do it, and if I wanna be a dork, I'm gonna do it, regardless of what people think of me. Because as long as I am happy with me, that is all the matters.
  14. I learned that you never know if today is your last or not, so we might as well make the most of each and every day we have here.
  15. I learned that God wouldn't place us in situations if He didn't think we could handle it.
  16. I learned that "Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger" or as Matt ( a fellow exchange student) said, "Seriously cripples you and leaves you bed ridden to think about whether it was worth it or not".
  17. I learned to NEVER forget my ga (train pass that gets me on all public transportation), because the ticket people aren't always sympathetic when it comes to trying to let you have a "get out of jail free" card.
  18. I learned that if people don't understnad what you are saying, acting like a crazy person who is having spasms in an attempt to act out the word or phrase always gets the point across. In 1 way or another.
  19. I learned to never give up. Like they say "When the going gets tough, the tough get going".
  20. I learned that the world in fact (contrary to prior belief) not revolve around me.
  21. I learned that you can never truly appreciate what you have and who you have in your life until you don't have it or them anymore.
  22. I learned how to get into clubs where I am under aged.
  23. I learned that sometimes, you just have to tilt your head at the sky and laugh at yourself.
  24. I learned that everyone comes into our lives for a reason, even if we think we could live without them.
  25. I learned that I didn't make a mistake applying for this year and that I absolutley made the right choice in embracing this once in a lifetime opportunity.
  26. I learned that I have made lifelong friendships in a matter of seconds, all because I put myself out there, something I could of never done before.
  27. I learned that the world truly is extremely small.
  28. I learned to never regret something that made me smile or taught me a lesson.
  29. I learned that I love Switzerland, and when people ask me where I grew up later in life, I will tell them Switzerland, since I truly have "grown up" here.

I have been writing this list as the year has progressed, and since I am coming up on my 6 month mark (HOLY COW! 6 MONTHS ALREADY! WHAT?! WHERE DID ALL THAT TIME GO?!?!?! HOLY PASTA! HOLY PEPPER! HOLY EVERYTHING ELSE!) I figured I would share what I have so far. Hope you enjoyed it!

I also thought I would do a little montage of all my favorite pictures from each month. Here we go.

August 11th, 2010. Our last family picture before I left home.
This pictures kills me, but it also shows me how far I/we have come. This is my 2 best friends after I got on the plane. It reminds me that even though that day was one of the hardest days ever, it was also one of the best, as it was the day I left on this amazing experience.
View of KCI through the airplane. I have no idea still how I managed to get my camera out and take a picture, considering the state I was in. My last picture of America for a year.

Language camp. Oh, the good ole' days when we didn't know yet what was in store for us. All us Frenchies. Oh, how naive we were. :)

My first "sight-seeing" trip in Switzerland with Becky. We had known each other, literally, for 5 days and we already considered ourselves best friends and she came over for a sleepover. That next day, we went to the Chateau de Chillion.

One of my favorite pics of us 3 girls.

September was filled with starting schools and really getting the hang of French. So I don't have like any pictures at all because I didn't go anywhere.


Magali (old host sister) and I when we were in Belguim.
When I was at the North Sea!

In France on Zion's 18th brithday. I love this picture.

When I went to visit Noemi and her family :)

Matterhorn! One of the best weekends ever here.

All of the 2010 Swiss inbounds. All from different places all over the world. Together, we form one big family. Always there for each other and with an open door for each other when this year finishes.


Nora, my little sis, and I on Christmas day. My first day in their family. We got a candy cake (amazing) for Christmas, and didn't hesitate digging in.

Becky and I in Fribourg on St. Nicholas Day.
When I went to visit Vera. Forever sisters at heart.

When I figured out how to get on the good list. :)

When I went to Belguim with my second family. Here we were at the Atomuim. One big happy family :)
When I went to St. Moritz and HeidiLand with Zion and Becky.

On the train to St. Moritz when Zion and I met an Italian. :) We were role playing. :)
When I went to Luzern. Beautiful.

When I took a helicopter over the Alps with some amazing people.
All I can do it thank everyone who supported me on this adventure. I am forever grateful. This has been an amazing 6 months and I will always carry them with me. I could of never imagined that this year would be as wonderful as it has been. Thank you too, to everyone I have meet here who has made me laugh, helped me with French, listened to me, and was a friend. I can only imagine what adventures we will have in our next 5 months.

Love, Laura

Je suis suisse. I am Swiss. Ich bin Schwitez.

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