Monday, February 14, 2011

It's the day of love. And love is what this is.


I hope you all had an absolutely fabulous day yesterday filled with lots of LOVE!

I know I, on one hand, had a fantastic Valentine's Day! But I will get to that later.

First, I have to let you all know that I will be returning to the United States of America on July 13th. LESS THAN 5 MONTHS AWAY! Oh my.


Life is excellent and I still have a little less than 5 more excellent months to adventure and galabant around this amazing country.

So. Let's see here. What has little ole' me been up to in little ole' Switzerland?

I finally got around to taking a picture of my new house! Even though I have been living here for almost 2 months. Haha. Isn't it cute?!

Friday, Jenna (my new canadian friend who lives in Luzern here) and Beck came over for a sleepover! Becky slept over because she had to take the ACT's on Saturday and I live a lot closer to where they are, and Jenna because she can!

That night, Jenna and I left Becky at home with the sitter so she could get to bed on time and Jenna and I went to Lausanne, bought candy, took trains, and then came home and watched Titanic. Only the best movie EVER!

Jenna with our candy bag!

10 francs and 30 cents worth of candy to be exact. Only took about 3.698 seconds to eat.
While waiting for our train, we had some fun with the ads. :)
Each month, we get 150 francs allowance from Rotary. Unfortunetly, after buying numerous rounds of candy, I had none left and was forced to dumpster dive. :) Haha.

After our adventures on Friday night, Jenna and I got up at 5:30am to make Becky a good luck and nutritional breakfast! (so kind of us, haha), then went back to bed for 2 hours. Then woke up again, then got ready, then took a train.

Where to? To Neuchatel! It is a larger city in the French part on a beautiful lake! There we meet up with some other exchangies! Ben (from Michigan), Brandon (from Canada), Lauren (from Canada), and a NEWBIE! (all the exchange students from the Southern Hemisphere that just got here a few weeks ago, which makes me an oldie now!), Michael, from Australlia! I was really excited about the newbie. . . . :) Here is the crew, without me since I was taking the picture, sitting on an old castle wall!

We ventured into a church to repent for all those D's. . . . . . :)

We ended up spending the whole day together, and everyone even came back to my house (exciting, since I live so far away from everyone) and ate ice cream to end a great day!

Sunday, I went to this spa IN THE ALPS!
Legit, right? It is literally right in the mountains! My host mom woke me up Sunday morning, and was like "Do you want to go swimming in hot pools?". 5 minutes later, literally, we were in the car headed to the Alps. It was so cool! The water was so hot yet it was like snow! Amazing!

After, we went for a little "vigorous walk" and then went to a little family get-together. By the time we got home at 7pm, I was SO TIRED. And it was 7! So I get all ready for bed and head up to my sister's room to tell her Bonne Nuit! and see that she is trying on dresses for school on Monday. I had completely forgotten. Monday we were suppossed to dress up for school. Ugh. So, 2 hours later, I had found an outfit, had my mom cut it and sew it to make it fit better, found some shoes, necklace, hair things, a jacket, tights, etc. . .

Monday mornings final product! (Sorry, we were rushing for the train, but I wanted a picture!)

EVERYONE at school was so dressed up! Like tuxs and high heels and all that jazz. It was like homecoming!

After school, which finished early, Zion and I headed to Bern to meet with Brandon, Jenna, and Michael to celebrate V Day!

There was thig random Cupid in the Bern train station! We asked him to get a picture and he agreed, but while I was searching in my giant bag for my camera, this interviewer took him away. I never got my picture. :( The only bad part of my V Day. Along with those horrible shoes. Moving on!

In all the train stations, there are these photo booths. It seems that all the cool kids in Switzerland have taken pictures in them, and yesterday, while waiting for Michael's train to come in, we decided to get one. Now, trying to squeeze all of us (Brandon is 6'4, Zion 6'1) into a little itty bitty box turned out to be quite the task. So after we all finally pile into to one and put the money in, we read the screen and realize that it is broken. We then had to undo ourselves and pile into another one, because we were going to get one! So, it took us a few reconfiguirations, but we did it! Here it is!
Close up!

After the photo, we still had some time to burn to wait for Mikey, so we ventured into the sun (it was so hot!) and found Mr. Free Hugs Grape Man. Then got a picture with him :) Uh. It is making my feet hurt though just looking at those high heels. Pain. Anyway, aren't we cute?!
We love each other.

I love this picture. We are all laughing (even me, behind the camera :) ) and loving life!

At this point, I thought me feet were going to fall off. Zion offered to carry me. :)

Laura, Zion, and Jenna. V Day Lovers.

Newbie and Oldie. Michael and Brandon. They act like they may not love each other. But they really do. After all, it was V Day. :)

Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day! I know I did :)
Love your favorite Swiss, Laura
"Sometimes, the mose ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people." - Nicholas Sparks

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