Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is a sign!

Oh my. I have just sooo much to inform you of my friends! Okay. First. My Halloween party.

So, Zion and I meet up and go grocery shopping Saturday (the 31st) and buy tons of food. We come back home, had an 11 year old hit on us, and then started preparing our dinner:) We were laughing and having a good time, decorating the house (let me tell you, it looked soooooo legit!) And then people started texting me telling me they couldn't come. Turns out there was some problem with the train and the end result was, we had one guest. So it was Zion, Marine and I. But in a way it was better because we got to know her better AND we spoke in French the WHOLE NIGHT! This, this is big news!

So after that, Marine left and Zion spent the night. So we decide that tommorrow (which would of been sunday the 1st) we are going to go to church. So we get up nice and early and walk to the train station, and this bus comes and takes us to Vevey because turns out, there actually was a problem with the trains. So, now we've made it to Lausanne and we are on the metro (the little trams that go throughout Lausanne) and we notice the time is different. Little did we know, it was daylight savings! Glad someone informed us. But that left us with an hour and a half to find this church that was suppossed to be a 4 minute walk from the metro. 2 hours and countless people later, have with found the church? NO! We only asked a few short of 50 people, used up 30 francs using the internet on Zion's phone trying to find it, and walked our feet off. So, since we were, at that point, 30 minutes late already, we gave up and instead went to eat pizza and ice cream. I really need to get some self control.

Monday now. I get up, sad and depressed that the vacation is over and I have almost 2 months straight of school with NO DAYS OFF, I manage to crawl out of bed and get ready. And like every other morning around 7:20, my sister and I left for the train station, at the usual time, but for some reason, we missed the train. Which sucks! So we waited in the cold, me imagining school on Saturday because that's what happens here if you miss school, and to make it worse, I was missing math, and this was the last math class before the test Wednesday and I understood NOTHING, so pretty much, I was imagining myself screwed.

But, after waiting almost an hour, Marielle can and rushed us to school and we ra in and amazing, made it just in time for 2nd hour. And even more amazingly, the math teacher was absent, and although the test was still Wednesday, there was no attendance taken and therefore, NO SATURDAY SCHOOL! Yay! Thank you God!

So, the rest of the week was blah. Wednesday night, Zion and I went to a bible study that was with the church we tried to find on Sunday, but thankfully it was at some lady's house, so we found it easily, unlike the church.
Then, Saturday, I decided to go to Bern, since I hadn't been there yet and I kept hearing how amazing it was, so I hopped on a train and went:) I walked around for a while by myself and visited Einstein's apartment and shopped (I bought clothes for the first time here, and they are sooo cute! Swiss boys, here I come:) Haha) Then Zion joined me and we went to Coop (Coop and Migros are the 2 main grocery stores in Switzerland) and bought food and ate, and talked, and laughed, and scoped out cute boys and such. Then, we decided that I would spend the night with her, so we got the OK:) Back at her house, we made a YUMMY SOUP! (Well she did, I just watched and drooled) and then we continued to talk and such:)

So today, we decided to find this church again, or at least try. So we get the directions again, and we get on the train to Lausanne, and then to Remens or whatever that town is called, and then this bus that we THOUGHT was 33. Why did we think this, because the sign on the front of the bus said 33. So we get on and it's running late, and then we missed the stop we needed because the bus didn't stop, and so we get out at this ramdom place, and it's pouring down rain and cold, and niether of us have coats, so we ask the bus drivers (there were 2, don't know why) where the place is at and are asking why the bus didn't stop (we were the last ones on the bus) and yadda-yadda and we come to find out that it is bus 13 actually, even though the sign says 33. How we were suppossed to know this I have no idea. So at this point, I am just so annoyed that they are barely helping us, and they are offering no suggestions, we decide to run through the rain to the metro. We decide that this is all a giant sign from God that we are not meant to be at this church since it's pouring down rain, no one knows where the street it's on is at, and we went 2 different Sundays to find it, and didn't.

So we decide to go to this church in Bern instead. We find the address and hop on a train to Bern. It was about a 75 minute ride. We get to Bern, again, and we are trying to figure out what bus it was we were suppossed to take. So, we ask this guy (he was a hottie:) where its at and he tells us directions (which proved to be the first set of right directions anyone has ever given us here!) and it stopped raining so hard, and we found the church without a glitch! A sign. But then we found out it was the Swiss-German service, but they had a really nice guy sit with us and translate it all for us, but they sang 2 songs in English, one of which was "Here I am to Worship", during which, Zion and I both got teary eyed. Why? Not sure, but this is all one emotional roller coaster, so I don't ask questions, and then during the sermon, Topeka, Kansas was mentioned! Craziest thing ever!

Here we were, understanding nothing of the Swiss-German when I hear, "Topeka, Kansas". Another sign. The sermon was really good, and afterwards. we talked to the guy who translated who gave us all this information, and we got a CD with the worship songs on it, and it was just, so relieving. Just to know that we found a place where we could worship and have people really welcome us and ah, just so nice! So after, we headed to Migros and decided to celebrate our new found church by indulding in some chocolate:) Then we headed back home. Now, here I am, happy as a clam, but totally depressed that I have to go to school tommorrow. Ugh. I will survive. Haha. I am so excited for these next few weekends, so keep posted!

I really have no good pictures to show you, since for some reason I barely took pictures this past week, but here are the ones I have:)
Bad picture of me, but oh well. Zion and me on the way to church, last Sunday.
ChatMoon. So cute:) I really believe I am a crazy cat person here because all I want is Bubba Gump (a.k.a. Cocoa) to come and curl up on my bed.
Just in case you haven't gotten enough of the beautiful sunsets like me:)

My friend from school gave me this plant. I am special:)
Proof I was there:) But for such a famous guy, the apartment was seriously a living room, and a welcome hall type thing. Super tiny.

A cute little passageway in Bern! I know. Adorable.
Tata for now!

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