Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 months down.

Hello! Guess what??? I have officially been here now for over 3 months! Its amazing how fast time flies. On one side, I feel like I've been here for a really long time, but the other side feels like I just got off the plane. It's so weird. But I have definetly enjoyed my 3 months! I have learned so many things!
Here is a review of my week....
All the trees here are changing to fall colors! It has been SO COLD AND RAINY this week, its gross (for those of you who know how much I hate rain, this week has been miserable) but Thursday, it was so NICE! Granted, it was still cold, but the sun was shining! This is the road I walk every day to go to and from the train station to my house. It's just so pretty. I love fall colors!
I have been meaning to get a picture of this. This is the communitry garden, just a short walk from my house, where my family also has a spot. So. I don't really know what else I was gonna say about this, so moving on!

There are 3 of these signs in my village, on the 3 different roads that lead in. I have always said I need to get a picture, so Thursday, I did! I would translate it, but I can't tell what it says, but from memory, I think it says something like "Come and relax and stay awhile in Chexbres!" I will get a better picture. Then we will know for sure. lol.
Friday, I only had an hour of school, from 8 to 9, which left me with the rest of the day to do something. So I decided to head to Geneva, and, dork that I am, visit museums. Lol. So I first decided to head to the International Red Cross museum. I asked this lady to take a picture of me, and she was like, thinking I didnt understand French I guess, "typical American tourist. Always wants pictures". Geez. Rude. I ended up spending more time here than I thought I would, so I didnt go to any other museums, but this one was totally worth it! It was a really nice museum! They had this one section of all the soldiers they saved during WWII, and it was so unbelievable to see ALL those little cards. I can't remember the exact number, but it was huge! I really enjoyed it:)
This is something, not sure how to describe it, a big banner I guess hanging over the entrance to the museum.

So, since I still had the rest of the evening ahead of me, we decided to actually go to Bern and go to a youth group, which turned out to be great! We ate crepes and after, to celebrate our great day, we decided to buy bretzels. They were actually really not that great, but nothing could ruin out good moods! Zion just dug right in!

This was my Bretzel. Zion was trying to steal it. Haha. Not really. I was actually trying to just take a picture of me indulging into it, but it turns out my eyes look totally crazed. We were cracking up.
Saturday, Zion, Marie (a german exchange student with Rotary) and I decided to chill out in Lausanne. So we went, and then decided, why not take a boat? So we bought a bunch of food at Migros, and then hopped on a boat, for free, (Have I mentioned before how much I love my GA?), and had a picnic lunch on the boat. The boat was headed to France, and when it docked, we decided, eh, let's just stay on. It's only France, we see it all the time. Haha. So we just chilled on the boat and then headed back. This is Marie. I thought I was making a video, but turns out it was only a picture. She was dancing. I think. Not sure actually. Lol.

After our boat ride, I decided to get a picture of the beautiful day! So, here we have the lake, the mountains, and France:)

Sunday, we had a Rotary meeting. I had to leave my house at 7am so I could get to Olten, which is up kinda by the German boarder, by 10am. So I got up, threw on my sexy blazer, and headed out. Once there, we got a little lost finding the hotel, which turned out to be really easy once we figured the map out (I hate Swiss streets, way to confusing to nagivate!). We had an inteogation for about an hour and a half, asking how is school, families, and questions like who is your conselor? Who is this person? Like a test. BUT! This is exciting, it was all in French, and I understood everything and was able to respond to everything too! It was great! After, some students were invited to represent their countries in the Country Fair. Only a few were invited, and I was one! Yay. Haha. But before we set up, we had to find food, and EVERYTHING closes in this country on Sundays. This is a hard concept for us Americans who have been Wal-Mart-ized. 24/7 rocks. So we walked. And walked. And walked, until we found something in the train station. Then, we set up for the fair, and one of the other Americans brought chocolate chip cookies, so of course, we all went for them. Zion was so funny and was like, "If I try to get another cookie, slap my hand", because they were a little addicting:)
For the U.S., someone, not sure who, brought a football:) So, while we were waiting, we decided to toss it around a bit. This turned out to be a bad idea, as turns out not many of us are actually good at football. Lol. Plus, we were inside a hotel. But it was fun while it lasted! This is Zion and Andrew, both from Vermont, and 2/11 of the French kids!
All the exchange students that were invited to present their countries at the Country Fair. This was for the outbounds from Switzerland for 11-12. I am considered an inbound in Switzerland. Overall, it's been a good week:)

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