Monday, November 29, 2010

Best Weekend of my Life.

Laura- Was only just at the Matterhorn, with the most amazing people, freezing cold, in the cutest little Swiss town, dancing the night away, eating our hearts out, playing in the Alps. Great weekend? I think so!
Zion- Matterhorn; 100 of the worlds best people, freezing, excellent. Train ride home, 2 new British best friends. Best weekend of my life; easily.
Brandon- Epic; Very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale); synomyn; Matterhorn Weekend.
Kelly - And now, my next 30 minutes shall be dedicated to going around and *liking* every one of the 124 Zermatt status's, and perhaps after, I'll make one of my own.
Lauren - Matterhorn weekend = epic!
Matt- Amazing weekend in Zermatt, the town experienced a wave of crazy people set on making the world a very fun place to be!
What is this you ask? This would be 6 of the 100 facebook statuses last night when all the Swiss exchange kids got back from Zermatt.
Only the best weekend. Ever.
It felt like I had ridden the Polar Express and entered Narnia.
Here is the movie I made, which has lots of video clips, as well as most of my pictures, but if you desire explanations, continue on and you can look at the pictures with my explanations. Or BOTH! But basically we went to Zermatt (in the Alps), with Rotary and Rotex (former exchange kids) for a weekend full of fun, laughter, and friendship. And in there somewhere, we visited the MATTERHORN!
Destination: Zermatt
Right when we got of the train! I was PUMPED!

This is the hostel we stayed at.
Once off the train, we walked to the hostel we were staying at. They weren't quite ready, so we decided to take a massive group picture, and while doing so, the Americans broke out in the national anthem. In the Swiss Alps. Does it get better?
When we first got to the hostel. Waiting for the room assignments.
Once we dropped our stuff off at the hotel, we had a scavenger hunt. We were running all over Zermatt! One of the things was a wedding picture, and I had the genuis idea to look in a bridal magazine. I know. So smart. Thank you. Thank you.

After our hunt, we went to the Matterhorn museum in Zermatt, which was kinda boring except there were random things to take pictures with! Like this cane and cart!
And this ax! It was heavier than I thought. Took some muscle. But I was chopping away!
After the museum, we headed out for dinner at a fondue resturaunt. Basically, we took over the place!
My first cheese fondue! Ever! It was actually really gross! Everyone thought so, and the 1 kid who ate it, got sick and had to go home early Sunday morning, so he missed the actual Matterhorn. I feel so bad for him! It tasted like whisky and cheese. Gross!!!!
After the resturaunts, we went to a club (with Rotary's permission, all you Rotarians who just got mad at me). We danced, danced, and danced some more! Can you spot Zion and I? Zion has her arms in the air, and I am like AHHH! I was actually probably singing. So much fun! I love clubs! How am I going to survive next year not being able to go?!?!?!
Picture at the 1st club. It was SO HOT in there, because we were all dancing and sweating! I am in the right corner, behind the guy in the blue plaid. I look afraid. Haha. This was probably taken when the 2 old Rotary ladies starting dancing on the table, and I was like WHOA! Haha. After this club ended at 10, Rotary decided that 2 hours of clubbing wasn't enough, and we should hit up a public club and ditch the midnight walk. So we did! 2 more hours of dancing and sweating here I come!
Sunday: Frenchies + 1 Swiss-German forever! I was taking the pic, but all the other frenchies are here!
I know. We are hilarious.
So, after cleaning up at the hostel, we walked to the GONDALAS THAT TOOK US TO THE MATTERHORN!!! It was SOO FREAKING COOL!!!!!!! Except for the part where it stopped and I started having a panic attack, because it was kinda scary, but yet so amazing!
Becky et moi sur la cabine:)
Zermatt, the town we stayed in. Situated right in the Alps!
This gondala didn't make it. BUT WE DID!! Haha!

There were 5 different stations for the gondalas up. 4 of them we just stayed on the same one (we didn't know this, so the first one we got out, looked like idiots while our friends in the other ones yelled at us to get back in) and then ran in before it took off. The last one was a really big one that took us up to the mountain that is right next to the Matterhorn. Here me, Marie, Yod A (yes, that is his name, pronounces Yoda), Zion and Becky are.
Once we made it to the mountain, we climbed up these stairs to the top! It was SOOO COLD!! Our hair forze instantly and I have never been so numb and in so much pain from hypothermia before! We did a giant hudle to keep warm, but I was pretty much yelling "GET ME THE HECK OFF THIS MOUNTAIN RIGHT NOW!" the whole time. It was cool, but kinda miserable too. Lol.
This is when we first got to the top, and I was still somewhat happy and still had some feeling in my body. Seriously, it felt like someone was chopping me in half, it was SO COLD! It is making me cold thinking about it.
This is how high up we were! I would of gotten a picture with me by it, but you know, I was too cold and wanted off. Immediatly.
After coming down (THANK GOD!), feeling slowly came back, although my fingers and toes hurt soooo bad! Oh my. So bad. Anyway, we went to the glacier that is right outside the mountain. We were literally walking through a glacier! They had some sculptures, for your viewing pleasure.
The Matterhorn ice sculpture! Inside the glacier! So cool!
Inside the Glacier Paradise. From the left, Marie (germany) Zion (vermont) Me, Kelly (colorado), Becky (oklahoma), Wes (america. not sure which state), can't tell who that is, and Shannon (florida)
One of my favorite pictures! Me, Becky, and Zion in front of the Matterhorn!
Only me and my new friend, Matterhorn. No biggie.
This is legit.
Me and my new Canadian, Brandon:) This was right before we headed to the train station to leave :(
Eric (Argentina), Bjorn (Sweden and Frenchie!), and me, right before leaving Zermatt.
It was SO SAD to leave! Everyone was depressed on the train to Visp, where we all got on our perspective trains. It was truly one of the best weekends ever. I had so much fun! if you didn't catch on to that earlier! Even though I now have a cold and my throat is killing me, it was TOTALLY worth it! These are the memories and friends that will last a lifetime. And this is what, a year from now, I will miss, so much. I love this country.

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