Friday, June 10, 2011


First, I shall start off with some bad and sad news. My future plans have encountered a major problem. While I was in London, I was unable to track down Prince Harry and make him fall in love with me, marry me in Westminster Abbey, and then take me to live in Buckingham Palace, where we somehow steal the throne from either Granny or William. Dang.  But the good news is, MOM AND DAD AND BECCA ARE GOING TO BE HERE TOMORROW MORNING! AND I HAD A FABULOUS TIME IN ENGLAND!!! Now, are you ready to hear ALL about it?!?! Smile 

So, we shall start where my last post about Ireland left off. We were on a ferry. On the blistery Irish Sea. Smile  


Voila! On a ferry! This was right before we were going to get off in Wales!

Unfortunately, once we got off, the Wales Boarder Police thought that we needed to be detained for 30 minutes, telling us that we needed a visa to enter. Uh, no. We don’t. So after trying to tell them that for 30 minutes, having them go and call the normal police and have them come out, it was discovered that, on fact, we did not need a visa. So thank you, police of Wales, so holding us, making us miss our train, and causing unnecessary stress. So after that nice little experience, we hopped on a train to Bath, England!

Another story now. So, I sometimes have these days where everything seems to be against me. This was one of those days. The train from where we docked in Wales to the capital of Wales was 2.5 hours long. By the time we got there, it was 5pm. Now, we had eaten NOTHING except an apple which we shared, all day. Why? Because A) The ATM’s in Wales and on the boat were broken. B) We had no Pounds, the currency in the UK. And C) None of the places excepted credit card. Now, I eat like all the time. So going a WHOLE DAY without food is like, unheard of for me. I mean, seriously. So by 5pm, having not even had dinner the previous day (the day before, we had a sandwich around 3, and then we drank tea all night since we were starving), I was like FEED ME. So we had a 30 minute time period to change trains in this city in Wales. So we were going to find an ATM and then go buy food. Well, of course, there is this huge rugby match going on, so they have this major crowd control going on, so it is virtually impossible to go anywhere in this train station. So, we decide that Becky will wait on the platform with our bags, and I will go out the back of the station, go around to the front (which was blocked off for crowd control), get food, and be back by 5pm for our train. So I am power walking (something that doesn’t happen very often unless there is a 50% off sale going on) to make sure I make it back in time. So I can’t find an ATM to save my life, and so I am running around from little café to café, and none of them take cards. So I give up, seeing that it is 5:20, and head back to the station. Well, they had these lines for every destination possible in England. So you had to wait in your perspective line and then, when the train arrived, they would let your line in and you would go directly and get on the train. So this way, people wouldn’t fight, etc., after this match. Well, none of the people working seemed to know where the line for Bath was, so I am literally in an all our sprint, running around trying to find where it is that the line is. So, once I find it (on the complete opposite side that the workers were telling me) I dart up the line and the guy shuts the gate RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I was the only one. So I was like “Please,my friend is up there, she has our luggage, I have the tickets, we have to be on that train, it is reserved, please, let me in!” and does he? No. He doesn’t. So, now I am worried about Becky and what she is thinking is happening to me. But of course, we turned our phones off because it is super expensive in England, so I am just praying that she stays put and waits. So there I was, starving, in the hot sun, at the front of this line, waiting. So I waited for 30 minutes until the next train came and they let us in. But of course, what happened in that time. I got pooped on by a dang bird. Not just a little poop either. It was large. And smelly. And just so nasty. Just my luck. So, once they opened the gate, I run in, find Becky, and she tells me that there is a café, right there on the platform, that sells food and accepts cards. So, end result, all of that could have been avoided. So, we got some food then, devoured it, got on the next train, rode to Bath. All the while trying to get the nasty stain off my sweater.

Then, once we got to Bath, we got on this little train to where our bed and breakfast was, and we were planning on walking to it. So we go in this taxi shop to ask for directions, and when we tell them where it is we need to go, their response was “By golly! That’s BLOODY MILES AWAY! What are you thinking? To walk! It’s BLOODY MILES!” Oh, the British. So, we ended up talking a taxi. The rest of the night went off without a hitch though!!! We stayed in a super cute bed and breakfast, slept in the next day, had a great English breakfast, and drank all the tea we could get. It was quite the day.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The “Thank God we survived the day” picture. Smile

Sunday! We slept in until 8:30! This was exciting, since we had been getting up at the crack of dawn every morning. After rising, we went and had a pleasant English breakfast, and then took a taxi back into Bath! Bath is such a beautiful city! Seriously, I would totally live there. I loved it! But, we only had a little but of time, and so off the the Jane Austen Center we went. Becky, love her to death, even with her strange things, is obsessed with Jane Austen. So we made a deal. I would go to the Jane Austen Center with her if we would relive my great pre-teen/early teen years and listen to Jonas Brothers the whole way to London (2 hour train ride). For those of you that don’t know, I was obsessed with the Jonas Brothers for quite a bit of time, and when I discovered them on her IPod, it was like reliving those good ole’ days of dancing around my room with a hairbrush. Jamming out. So, I agreed. Jane Austen, here. I come.


The cathedral in Bath!


Becky and her hero.


While Becky was off reading about Jane, I was learning, “the language of the fan”. So next time I see a hot boy, I shall whip out my fan and do this little number with my fan. Smile 


The only thing I wanted a picture by in the museum. The army guy.


Apparently, this is the face I am constantly making at Becky. The “No Becky. I know it all and you are wrong” face as she calls it. So, I put this picture on Facebook, right? The sad part is, everyone of my friends liked it. Haha. I guess they feel better knowing that they aren’t the only ones that I disagree with and boss around. . . . . Smile I should probably work on that. . . . . Moving on!


We then took a train to Salisbury, and from there, a bus to Stonehenge!!!



After Stonehenge, we headed to LONDON! Once we made it there, we headed to our hotel, Skype our parents, and then hit the hay!


Monday morning, we woke up super early and headed to the airport to pick up Becky’s family! It was so weird because I have never met them before, but I have talked with them on Skype and heard her talk about them, so it felt like I knew them and not just meeting them for the first time! Here is her real mom and sister!


We headed back to the hotel to drop their stuff off, got some fish and chips (YUM) and then took a double decker bus tour around London!


Rachel (Becky’s little sister), Becky, and I! 34

While on the bus tour, there were stops, where we would get off and take a boat on the Thames (here) or walk around to the different sights Smile 


We even found this!!! Look! It’s Switzerland! For the 700th anniversary of Switzerland, Switzerland made this statue, put it here, and named this area of London “The Swiss Court”. Because Switzerland is just that cool. Smile (And if you are wondering what all those other flags are, they are all 26 of the canton flags of Switzerland)


When we got back on the bus, I was so tired, as well as Kim and Rachel from their jet-lag, that the 3 of us all fell asleep. Becky was the only one alive. Haha. Ah. I look so peaceful! Sleep sounds really good right now. . . . .


We also went to Harrod’s. If you do not know Harrod’s, it is this HUGE EXPENSIVE department store, where you used to be able to order anything, even elephants! We had fun looking at 400 pound ($800) shirts and trying on fancy perfume. Smile  P.S. the store is the one on the right, that big brownish one Smile 


Next stop was my future house, Buckingham Palace! How will I be living there one day you ask? Harry and I are going to get married. Duh. One of the reasons I went to London was so I could look inside Westminster Abbey and decide which colors and flowers would look good, so I can start planning the wedding! And once we are married, we will get granny and William off the throne, therefore leaving Harry as King, and allowing me to live, here. Great plan. Smile 



Don’t worry. Harry and I will have you all over for dinner Smile There will be plenty of space for you to stay the night as well if you want to. Smile 



Some people find me embarrassing (cough, Becky, cough), but I have no shame in sporting a London hat, a Dublin sweatshirt, yoga pants, and Nike tennis shoes in London. No shame at all.


We Red heart London!


The next day, we got up and first things first, we went to the London Eye! It’s  funny because you see that one car on the wheel that has no walls? It is in the upper right hand corner. Well, I was joking saying that we were going to get that one. And when we got to the front of the line, which one did we get? The one with no floors or walls. Haha. So we had to wait for the next one. That’s just my luck. Haha. Smile 


Rachel and I! She is the annoying younger sister version of me. It is scary how alike we are. So, I have now adopted her as my little sister. Smile 


Big Ben and the Thames River on the ground!


And now Big Ben and the Thames River from the air!!!


London from the Eye!


The Thames was rather muddy. . . . But look how cool that looks!!!


Becky and I!


My newly adopted Mom, Kim! (With Big Ben in the background!)



Rachel and I holding up Big Ben!


Westminster Abbey! Where Harry and I will get married. Smile You are all invited by the way!


So, I decide that I want a photo with this lion, since I am a Leo and all, haha. So Becky lifts me up to it, gets a picture, but then getting down was quite the event. I wish I had a video of it. It was hilarious. That statue is higher up than you think.


Strike a pose babe. 1

Wednesday, we got up early and went to the Tower of London (also known as London Castle)


In front of the building that houses all the Royal Jewels! A.K.A. where my crown will come from once Harry and I marry. Smile 


I thought he was fake, until I went up to him and he moved! So freaky! But seriously, that job must suck. Standing still all day. Yikes. I can’t stand still to save my life. Haha.


Tower Bridge!

After seeing the Royal Jewels (IT WAS CRAZY! SO MANY HUGE BEAUTIFUL ROCKS!) we went and took a boat ride to Greenwich, where they got off and I went back to London to catch my flight home. And how here I am. Finishing up planning my parents trip here. 1 MORE DAY!! I will hope to update you guys on what we are doing throughout the trip! See you all soon!!!


And to Becky, we have had quite the year. You were my first ever friend here, and I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done to help me and support me through this year. We are just setting the world on fire girl. We had such an amazing time in Ireland  and England, and now, as we are in our final month here, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m glad I have you to cry on the airplane home too. As long as I get the isle seat. Smile Ireland and England wouldn’t off been the same without you. Love you too much.

Love Always, Laura

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