Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More than words can say.

Well. In exactly 7 minutes, the day is here. July 13th. The end of the end here and the beginning of the rest of my life at the same time. It's a weird feeling. After packing for hours (I. Hate. Packing.), making sure I have my passport, Swiss ID, plane tickets, I'm all set to go. It has not hit me yet. I think it will probably hit me next week or so. All I can say again is thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. From everyone back home to everyone I have met this year, you have all helped me in my year here.

This year has been more than words can ever describe. And that is saying a lot, since I could talk forever. My heart will always treasure this year.

Switzerland, you have done me well. Thank you for showing me your beauty, for allowing me to discover all you had to offer. From your weird traditions to your cheese, to all those gorgeous mountains and lakes. To all the amazing people that this country holds. Thank you. Merci beaucoup. Danke schoen.

And to all the people I have met this year, it hasn't been easy saying good-bye to you, and today (now) at the airport won't be easy to say good-bye to the rest of you. But it's a see you soon. Never will I forget you all.

The rest of my life is in front of me now. I just have to embrace it.

I will update my blog with pictures from my past weekend in Italy and with pictures from today at the airport, so stay posted. Less than 24 and I will be on American soil in Kansas. :) See you all soon!

All my love, Laura


  1. Welcome back to KS, Laura! I can't wait to hear all about your trip:).

  2. I love you and this and I am so thankful God brought us together for our adventures!
